Page 189 - Annual Report 2020
P. 189

4 Significant events – Samarco dam failure continued
           Criminal charges
           The Federal Prosecutors’ Office has filed criminal charges against   The following section includes disclosure required by IFRS of   Strategic Report
           BHP Brasil, Samarco and Vale and certain employees and former   Samarco Mineração S.A.’s provisions, contingencies and other
           employees of BHP Brasil (Affected Individuals) in the Federal Court    matters arising from the dam failure for matters in addition
           of Ponte Nova, Minas Gerais. On 3 March 2017, BHP Brasil filed its   to the above-mentioned claims to which Samarco is a party.
           preliminary defences. The Federal Court terminated the charges   Samarco
           against eight of the Affected Individuals. The Federal Prosecutors’
           Office has appealed seven of those decisions. BHP Brasil rejects   Dam failure related provisions and contingencies
           outright the charges against the company and the Affected   In addition to its obligations under the Framework Agreement
           Individuals and will defend the charges and fully support each    as at 30 June 2020, Samarco has recognised provisions of
           of the Affected Individuals in their defence of the charges.  US$0.2 billion (30 June 2019: US$0.2 billion), based on currently
           Other claims                                         available information. The magnitude, scope and timing of these
                                                                additional costs are subject to a high degree of uncertainty and
           The civil public actions filed by State Prosecutors in Minas Gerais   Samarco has indicated that it anticipates that it will incur future
           (claiming damages of approximately R$7.5 billion, US$1.4 billion),   costs beyond those provided. These uncertainties are likely to   Governance at BHP
           State Prosecutors in Espírito Santo (claiming damages of approximately   continue for a significant period and changes to key assumptions
           R$2 billion, US$365 million), and public defenders in Minas Gerais   could result in a material change to the amount of the provision
           (claiming damages of approximately R$10 billion, US$1.8 billion),    in future reporting periods. Any such unrecognised obligations
           have been consolidated before the 12th Federal Court and suspended.   are therefore contingent liabilities and, at present, it is not
           The Governance Agreement provides for a process to review whether   practicable to estimate their magnitude or possible timing
           these civil public claims should be terminated or suspended.   of payment. Accordingly, it is also not possible to provide
           BHP Brasil is among the companies named as defendants    a range of possible outcomes or a reliable estimate of total
           in a number of legal proceedings initiated by individuals, non-  potential future exposures at this time.
           governmental organisations, corporations and governmental entities   Samarco is also named as a defendant in a number of other
           in Brazilian Federal and State courts following the Samarco dam   legal proceedings initiated by individuals, non-governmental
           failure. The other defendants include Vale, Samarco and Fundação   organisations, corporations and governmental entities in Brazilian   Remuneration Report
           Renova. The lawsuits include claims for compensation, environmental   Federal and State courts following the Samarco dam failure.
           rehabilitation and violations of Brazilian environmental and other   The lawsuits include claims for compensation, environmental
           laws, among other matters. The lawsuits seek various remedies   rehabilitation and violations of Brazilian environmental and other
           including rehabilitation costs, compensation to injured individuals   laws, among other matters. The lawsuits seek various remedies
           and families of the deceased, recovery of personal and property   including rehabilitation costs, compensation to injured individuals
           losses, moral damages and injunctive relief. In addition, government   and families of the deceased, recovery of personal and property
           inquiries and investigations relating to the Samarco dam failure have   losses, moral damages and injunctive relief. In addition,
           been commenced by numerous agencies of the Brazilian government   government inquiries and investigations relating to the Samarco
           and are ongoing.                                     dam failure have been commenced by numerous agencies
           Additional lawsuits and government investigations relating    of the Brazilian government and are ongoing. Given the status    Directors’ Report
           to the Samarco dam failure could be brought against BHP Brasil    of proceedings it is not possible to provide a range of possible
           and possibly other BHP entities in Brazil or other jurisdictions.  outcomes or a reliable estimate of total potential future exposures
           BHP insurance                                        to Samarco.
           BHP has various third party liability insurances for claims related    Additional lawsuits and government investigations relating
           to the Samarco dam failure made directly against BHP Brasil or other   to the Samarco dam failure could be brought against Samarco.
           BHP entities, their directors and officers, including class actions.   Samarco insurance
           External insurers have been notified of the Samarco dam failure,    Samarco has standalone insurance policies in place with
           the third party claims and the class actions referred to above.   Brazilian and global insurers. Insurers’ loss adjusters or claims   5
           In the year ended 30 June 2020, BHP recognised income of   representatives continue to investigate and assist with the
           US$489 million relating to proceeds from insurance settlements.    claims process for matters not yet settled. As at 30 June 2020,
           As at 30 June 2020, an insurance receivable has not been recognised   an insurance receivable has not been recognised by Samarco
           for any potential recoveries in respect of ongoing matters.  in respect of ongoing matters.
           Commitments                                          Samarco commitments                                 Financial Statements
           Under the terms of the Samarco joint venture agreement, BHP Brasil   At 30 June 2020, Samarco has commitments of US$0.4 billion
           does not have an existing obligation to fund Samarco.   (30 June 2019: US$0.5 billion). Following the dam failure
           In November 2019, BHP approved US$44 million for BHP Brasil’s share   Samarco invoked force majeure clauses in a number of long-term
                                                                contracts with suppliers and service providers to suspend
           of funding for work related to the restart of Samarco’s operations.    contractual obligations.
           In December 2019, a further short-term facility of up to US$212 million
           was made available to carry out remediation and stabilisation work   Samarco non-dam failure related contingent liabilities
           and support Samarco’s care and maintenance and operational restart.   The following non-dam failure related contingent liabilities
           In the six months to 30 June 2020, US$68 million of the total amount   pre-date and are unrelated to the Samarco dam failure. Samarco    Additional information
           approved has been provided to Samarco. Further funds will be released   is currently contesting both of these matters in the Brazilian courts.
           to Samarco only as required and subject to the achievement of key   Given the status of these tax matters, the timing of resolution and
           milestones with amounts undrawn expiring at 31 December 2020.   potential economic outflow for Samarco is uncertain.
           Any additional requests for funding or future investment provided   Brazilian Social Contribution Levy
           would be subject to a future decision by BHP, accounted    Samarco has received tax assessments for the alleged non-
           for at that time.                                    payment of Brazilian Social Contribution Levy for the calendar
                                                                years 2007-2014 totalling approximately R$5.5 billion
                                                                (approximately US$1 billion).
                                                                Brazilian corporate income tax rate
                                                                Samarco has received tax assessments for alleged incorrect
                                                                calculation of Corporate Income Tax (IRPJ) in respect of the   Shareholder information
                                                                2000-2003 and 2007-2014 income years totalling approximately
                                                                R$4.5 billion (approximately US$0.8 billion).

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