Page 31 - Inclusion and diversity – Partnering for change
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complement the theory they         the biggest win of the partnership   of partnership between BHP and
            learn in school – from basic       with Danos is the opportunity to   its supply companies.
            operations to instrument work      broaden the scope of inclusion
            and automation.                    and diversity:                    “I’m fully convinced inclusion and
                                                                                 diversity will unlock tremendous
            The internship program has         “Developing a culture of          value for the oil and gas sector.
            so far delivered a 100 per cent    transparent diversity sets the    As we partner with our suppliers
            employment rate – that is, all     stage for true diversity,” said John.   across the globe, we will continue
            students have gone on to gain                                        to create conversations and
            full-time employment with BHP      “For the industry to change,      influence positive change,”
            or other employers in the area.    it takes more than one. The       said Yuliya.
            Another positive outcome of the    partnership with Danos will
            internship program is that local   definitely bring many more        “This internship program is yet
            schools have been able to partner   to the table.”                   another example of industry
            with BHP to identify, and rectify,   It’s a view Yuliya Zhdanov, Vice   participants coming together
            curriculum gaps.                                                     to solve complex problems and
                                               President Petroleum Procurement,   to find creative solutions to our
            For John Ford, Field Manager, Gulf   BHP, heartily echoes. Like John,   common challenges.”
            of Mexico Production Unit at BHP,   she’s excited about the power

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