Page 36 - Inclusion and diversity – Partnering for change
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Our stories
How an Indigenous traineeship program
is changing lives
“Since the start of the program I have seen the trainees grow,
develop and become important parts of the Poitrel team.”
Sarah Bowes, Excavator Operator, BMC
It is often stated that an
inclusive and diverse
workplace will outperform
those that are less inclusive
and diverse. What is not as
regularly discussed is the
opportunity it provides to
those who secure roles within
it – and the enthusiasm, focus
and precision they can bring
to the job when they do so.
The Mines Traineeship Program
for Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islanders at BHP Mitsui Coal (BMC)
Poitrel in Queensland, Australia,
in partnership with labour hire
services provider Mickala Mining, “It has enabled me to expand “They have brought a real energy
has changed lives. my learning with qualifications, and enthusiasm to their work, and
and become an Indigenous role delivered in high-performance
Since its inception more than two model, all while working on a conditions.”
years ago, 62 Indigenous workers family lifestyle orientated roster,”
have joined BMC, more than 70 said George. “The program has given
per cent of those female, with a Indigenous people the
95 per cent retention rate. It has “The traineeship is a fantastic opportunity to change their lives.
lifted BMC Poitrel’s Indigenous program that has provided great Since the start of the program
workforce more than sixfold, from support and encouragement for I have seen the trainees grow,
1.8 per cent to 11.6 per cent, and me to be the best I can be.” develop and become important
female representation at BMC parts of the Poitrel team,” said
Poitrel to 24.2 per cent. Jayson Smeeton, Manager Sarah Bowes, Excavator Operator
Production Mining, Poitrel, and former trainee, BMC.
George Filewood, BMC Operator said the program has
has progressed from the training transformed lives. Find out more about the
program to a full-time role with program on
BHP, operating plant equipment at “These trainees have come into
BMC Poitrel. He is enjoying what a large mining environment with
the program has delivered for him big characters and big machinery
by providing him with a career and have owned it,” said Jayson.
opportunity in the mining industry.
BHP Inclusion and diversity – Partnering for change 34 February 2020