Page 38 - Inclusion and diversity – Partnering for change
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Our stories
Neurodiverse interns
making a difference
at BHP
“The symbol for autistic pride is a puzzle piece because
it’s hard for us sometimes to see where we fit in the bigger
picture and because we’re often so different from the
non-autistic people around us. I feel like my puzzle
piece fits here at BHP.”
Alexandra Flannigan, program participant, Specialist Quality Engineering
According to Neurodiversity
Hub, one in ten people are
neurodivergent, experiencing
differences such as autism
(ASD), Asperger’s syndrome,
ADHD and dyslexia. And
yet, companies are not
doing enough to create
inclusive environments for
neurodiverse people.
In 2017, BHP started work with
Curtin University’s Autism
Academy for Software Quality
Assurance (AASQA), the Watch more here
Australian Computer Society
Foundation and the Autism
Association of Western Australia a strengths-based approach These skills were valuable to
on a number of different in finding candidates. us in increasing the quality of
programs designed to make BHP our testing and development.
a more inclusive employer for “By partnering with AASQA we We have also benefited from
neurodiverse people. were able to match the skills of some ‘out of the box’ thinking,
the candidates with the needs which has allowed us to address
One of the most successful of the business. This is why the
programs has been BHP’s program has been so successful problems and opportunities from
partnership with AASQA to for both the interns, and for BHP,” a different perspective, supporting
welcome 20 interns to the said Kieran. performance and innovation.”
Company’s Perth office in data Following the internship program’s
science, software development “We found interns who brought a success, BHP is now looking
and testing, engineering and range of skill sets to the program, to expand the program to other
environmental safety placements. including strong attention to detail offices and countries, as well as
and the ability to concentrate on the role types we offer as part
Kieran McCluskey, from BHP’s tasks for long periods of time.
Technology Project team, oversaw of the program.
the program which used
BHP Inclusion and diversity – Partnering for change 36 February 2020