Page 33 - Inclusion and diversity – Partnering for change
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– the biggest ever participating   When it came to workplace         “We’re so pleased to have found
            cohort from any organisation       adjustments, the systems that     her, and that she’s decided to stay
            doing the program since it began   made the most difference to Anh   – what a bonus!” said Diane.
            in 2005,” said Isabel.             were already in place, including
                                               BHP’s flexible working policy for   As for Anh, she’s delighted they
            “The interns loved the fact        staff, which proved invaluable    found each other too.
            that the BHP hosts got them        for Anh.
            stuck into real work and real                                        “Stepping Into has been a
            projects and the hosts loved       “BHP’s flexible working policy has   wonderful experience, and the
            their drive, enthusiasm and their   been fantastic and allowed me to   learning curve has kept me on my
            contributions to the team.”        work at my full capacity,” said Anh.  toes. I’m just so thankful to have
                                                                                 had this opportunity.”
            Diane said Anh quickly found       Anh made such a positive impact
            her place in the team, navigating   in her time at BHP that what
            new processes and systems with     started as an internship position
            confidence and delivering quality   has turned into a year-long part-
            work, which soon saw her working   time role.
            beyond an intern’s level.

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