Page 32 - Inclusion and diversity – Partnering for change
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Our stories
Talent pipelines
that cultivate inclusive and diverse
workplace cultures
“Stepping Into has been a wonderful experience, and the
learning curve has kept me on my toes. I’m just so thankful
to have had this opportunity.”
Anh Caprile, Stepping Into intern
The Australian Network on
Disability’s (AND) Stepping
Into program is a highly
valued talent pipeline for
organisations like BHP that
are actively seeking to employ
people with disabilities. It
matches talented university
students with a disability to
roles in leading organisations
across Australia.
When Diane Djotaroeno, BHP
Manager Functional Performance
Planning and Technical, was
looking for an intern to join her
team, Stepping Into caught
her interest. insights into how we could make “It also allows our member
the workplace truly inclusive for organisations’ leaders to better
“With our focus on inclusion people with disability.” understand, upskill and learn
and diversity, it made sense to about what disability is and how it
approach the team at AND to Isabel Heiner, Stepping Into impacts people in different ways –
discuss my requirements and see Program Manager from Australian plus it’s also an opportunity to tap
if they could help me – which they Network on Disability said the into the diverse graduate talent.”
did!” said Diane. program is designed to be
mutually beneficial. Isabel said BHP provided interns
When she interviewed Anh, a with opportunities, including
candidate put forward by AND, “It’s an opportunity for university geoscience and engineering, in
Diane felt confident both Anh students with all different types metropolitan areas as well as in
and the team would reap great of disability – including mental regional areas, such as on mining
rewards from the pairing. health conditions, chronic illness, sites in the Pilbara in Western
sensory impairments and learning
“I knew there was a lot we could disabilities – to gain relevant work Australia.
do for Anh, but I was also keen to experience in their area of study,” “We have been working with BHP
see how the team would benefit – said Isabel. for a number of years and last
I felt there’d be opportunities for summer BHP hired 24 interns
mentoring, and also for us to gain
BHP Inclusion and diversity – Partnering for change 30 February 2020