Page 26 - Inclusion and diversity – Partnering for change
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Our stories

          Mining equipment that’s more safe

          and inclusive for everyone

         “The benefits of design changes driven by inclusion and

          diversity are not only vital to attracting diverse talent – they
          result in better design decisions for our equipment overall,
          which our whole workforce benefits from.”

          Mark Pickett, Vice President, Mining Procurement, BHP

          The labour intensive nature
          of operating and maintaining
          heavy-duty mining equipment
          has historically required great
          physical strength, or presented
          other physical barriers to
          performing these roles.

          To address this, BHP and
          Caterpillar have been working
          together for more than two years,
          as part of a series of ongoing
          design changes to Caterpillar
          mining equipment. This long-term
          partnership aims to accelerate
          and support gender equality       “The benefits of design changes   history of supporting diversity
          across the resources industry,    driven by inclusion and diversity   and inclusion efforts within their
          and be more safe and inclusive    are not only vital to attracting   company and supply chain.
          for all.                          diverse talent – they result in
                                            better design decisions for our   “Enabled by technology, our
          Mark Pickett, Vice President,     equipment overall, which our      design philosophy includes
          Mining Procurement at BHP         whole workforce benefits from.”   creating machines that allow a
          explained the significance                                          diverse workforce to safely and
          of the partnership.               Caterpillar’s mining equipment is   comfortably operate and service
                                            a familiar sight across BHP’s global   our equipment,” said Rob.
          “Whether it’s redesigning the     operations, with more than 3,000
          operator’s cabin to be more       pieces of equipment in use – from   ”By listening to our customers
          ergonomic and inclusive, reducing   360-tonne mining trucks and     like BHP, we are able to design
          manual handling requirements      excavators to large dozers and    machines that not only meet
          for equipment maintainers         motor graders.                    their productivity and efficiency
          through designing lighter parts,                                    requirements, but equally as
          or improving accessibility for    Rob Hoenes, Vice President of     important their safety and
          maintenance personnel, Caterpillar   Caterpillar’s Material Handling   diversity expectations as well.”
          has undertaken efforts that align   and Underground division said
          with BHP’s inclusion and diversity   Caterpillar has a longstanding
          opportunities,” said Mark.

          BHP      Inclusion and diversity – Partnering for change   24  February 2020
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