Page 22 - Inclusion and diversity – Partnering for change
P. 22

Our stories

          Diversity treading

          in the right direction

          for Chile’s maintainers

         “Kal Tire now has a more diverse workforce that includes

          a team of women performing maintenance mechanics
          at a mining operation.”

          Kal Tire, a supplier of tyres
          and maintenance fitters for
          the mining industry, has
          been engaged by BHP for
          more than 10 years at BHP’s
          Spence operation in Chile.
          The services performed by
          Kal Tire at the site’s truck
          shop, have historically
          required great physical
          strength, and there was
          a heavy reliance on men
          with larger builds to             safer and faster work, but has
          perform this work.                enabled Kal Tire to be able to
                                            offer roles to a more diverse
          As part of regular inclusion and   groups of candidates. Through
          diversity conversations between   these initiatives, Kal Tire now
          BHP and Kal Tire, a major focus   has a far more diverse workforce
          was placed on improving diversity   that includes a team of women
          within Kal Tire’s team and part   performing mechanical
          of this included a project in the   maintenance at a mining
          operational area.                 operation.
          The two companies worked in       In addition, a Gravity Assistant
          partnership to introduce a six-   System was also introduced
          month program for specialists in   during the program. The hydraulic   more importantly, has allowed
          tyre maintenance, to train women   system allows the tools used in tyre   us to attract more females to the
          to complete tyre repairs, as well   maintenance to be much lighter.  maintenance profession and be
          as learn how to assemble and                                        more inclusive of a wider talent
          disassemble them. A zero-weight   Patricio Hidalgo, General Manager,   pool,” said Patricio.
          arm was also introduced – a tool   Spence said with the support of
          that provides the lifting power   Kal Tire, they’ve been able to trial   The program has since finished
          necessary to keep the torque      fresh ideas and use technology to   but its achievements are still
          tool, which can weigh around      help solve some of our inclusion   evident every day at Spence.
          25 kilograms, in position when    and diversity challenges at       Kal Tire’s 20-strong team
          twisting each bolt.               Spence.                           includes four women who are
                                                                              training to become supervisors.
          Importantly, the tool eliminates   “It’s an excellent example of how   The aspirational goal is to
          physical strength as a prerequisite   we can make change happen     reach a gender balance in the
          for the role and allows not only   where it’s needed most and,      Maintenance team by 2025.

          BHP      Inclusion and diversity – Partnering for change   20  February 2020
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