Page 21 - Annual Report 2020
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1.4.8 Our performance: Non-financial KPIs                                                                1

           Capital management KPIs                                               Sustainability KPIs

           Total shareholder return           Long-term credit rating            Our public sustainability five-year targets   Strategic Report
                                                                                 and longer-term goals set in FY2017 are
           % change from previous year                                           designed to help us to operate safely,
           (3-month average)                   2020 A, A2                        reduce our environmental impact,
           50                                                                    protect the health of our people and
           40                                  2019             A, A2            contribute to improved quality of life
           30                                  2018             A, A3            in the communities where we have a
           20                                                                    presence. These targets and various
                                               2017             A, A3            sustainability performance metrics
           10                                                                    (SPMs) disclosed in this Report    Governance at BHP
           0                                   2016             A, A3            encourage our continual improvement
           -10                -15.7%                                             in our sustainability areas and enable us
           -20                                                                   to manage and evaluate our performance
           -30                                                                   against our commitments.
           -40                                                                   The targets were created in consultation
           -50                                                                   with our operated assets and key internal
                                                                                 and external stakeholders, to prioritise
                 FY2016  FY2017  FY2018  FY2019  FY2020                          and measure our progress in our
                                                                                 sustainability areas. The targets were
                                                                                 approved by the Sustainability     Remuneration Report
                                                                                 Committee, which oversees how we
                                                                                 manage sustainability risks and evaluates
           Total shareholder return (TSR) shows   Credit ratings are forward-looking   overall sustainability performance.
                                                                                 The targets are integrated into our
           the total return to shareholders   opinions on credit risk. Standard & Poor’s
           during the financial year. It combines   and Moody’s credit ratings express the   business plans and they and other
                                                                                 selected SPMs form part of Company
           movements in share prices and      opinion of each agency on the ability and
           dividends paid (which are assumed   willingness of BHP to meet its financial   scorecards. Each year the Sustainability
                                                                                 Committee offers guidance to the
           to be reinvested).                 obligations in full and on time. A credit   Remuneration Committee in the
           During FY2020, TSR decreased as    rating is not a recommendation to buy,   evaluation of performance against
           a result of the BHP share price and   sell or hold securities and may be subject   these targets and selected SPMs.   Directors’ Report
                                              to suspension, reduction or withdrawal
           dividends paid, resulting in a 15.7
           percentage change from FY2019.     at any time by an assigning rating      For a description of why we believe
                                                                                      our SPMs are useful and the
                                              agency. Any rating should be evaluated
           From 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2020,                                          calculation methodology by metric,
           BHP’s TSR performance was          independently of any other information.  refer to section 6.6.
           29 per cent. This is above the sector   Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s credit
           Peer Group TSR by 19.4 per cent,    ratings of BHP remained at the A and A2   For information on our approach
           and below the MSCI Index TSR       level respectively throughout FY2020.   to performance and reward, refer
                                                                                      to section 3.
           by 9.5 per cent.                   Standard & Poor’s affirmed its rating
                                              on 14 July 2020 and Moody’s affirmed    For information on our overall
                                              its rating on 1 May 2020.               approach to executive remuneration,
                                                                                      including remuneration policies    Financial Statements
                                                   For more information on our        and remuneration outcomes,
                                                   liquidity and capital resources,   refer to section 3.
                                                   refer to section 1.10.3.                                         Additional information

                                                                                                BHP Annual Report 2020  19  Shareholder information
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