Page 26 - Annual Report 2020
P. 26

1.5.3 Exploration

          Our exploration program is focused on copper, nickel and conventional petroleum in order to replenish our
          resource base and enhance our portfolio.
          The purpose is to generate attractive, low-cost, value-accretive   A global assessment of new opportunities is under review.
          options by leveraging our competitive strengths. The Petroleum   At Oak Dam in South Australia, the third phase of the drilling
          and Metals teams are partnered together on a Joint Global   program was completed in the June 2020 quarter, bringing
          Endowment study to explore future growth opportunities and   the total metres drilled to approximately 21,500. The results are
          global, yet-to-find volume through the use of data analytics and   currently being analysed. This follows encouraging results from the
          artificial intelligence. The study introduces new technology and   previous drilling phases, which confirmed high-grade mineralised
          innovation to create a competitive advantage and position BHP    intercepts of copper, with associated gold, uranium and silver.
          for future access.
          During FY2020, our Metals Exploration team continued to explore   We continued to review other jurisdictions and opportunities to
                                                             partner with third parties to counter the increasing exploration
          the Oak Dam copper discovery of late 2018, while the remainder    maturity of our existing geographies. During FY2020, BHP acquired
          of our exploration program was at an earlier stage where we   an additional 3.5 per cent and now holds 13.6 per cent interest in
          continued to seek, secure and test concessions in regions such    Solgold Plc, the majority owner and operator of the Cascabel
          as Ecuador, Canada, south-western United States, South Australia,   porphyry copper-gold project, and in July 2019, we entered into an
          Chile and Peru. Greenfield nickel exploration activities were   earn-in and joint venture agreement with Luminex; both in Ecuador.
          initiated in Western Australia and we started to look beyond   We are maintaining our 5 per cent interest in Midland Exploration
          Australia for new nickel opportunities.            Inc., a Canadian junior company with interests in copper projects
          Our conventional petroleum exploration program progressed   in northern Québec in Canada. In Mexico, our Metals Exploration
          exploration drilling activities in Trinidad and Tobago deepwater,   team continued the financial agreement with Riverside Resources,
          adding one additional gas discovery in the north and continuing    which enables BHP to access new search spaces and early stage
          to progress the exploration potential for oil in the south. Our   exploration opportunities. In Australia, we agreed to acquire the
          exploration portfolio continued to grow and mature through    Honeymoon Well development project and a 50 per cent interest
          the addition of Gulf of Mexico leases, appraisal of Trion, issuance    in the Albion Downs North and Jericho exploration joint ventures
          of offshore licences in Barbados and continued assessment    from MPI Nickel Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Norilsk Nickel
          of the Orphan Basin in Eastern Canada.             Australian Holdings BV.
          Exploration in FY2020                              Conventional petroleum
          Metals (copper, nickel)                            In FY2020, Petroleum continued to add to and mature the
          The Metals Exploration teams are focused on identifying and   exploration potential of our portfolio.
          gaining access to new search spaces to test the best targets   In Mexico, we drilled the Trion 3-DEL appraisal well in the
          capable of delivering large, high-quality, Tier 1 deposits while   September 2019 quarter. We are encouraged by the preliminary
          maintaining research and technology activities aligned with our   results, with the well encountering oil in the reservoirs up dip from
          exploration strategy. The field exploration activities are directed   all previous well intersections. Evaluation and analysis of the Trion
          towards Chile, Peru, Ecuador, North America and Australia. These   project is ongoing and no further appraisal wells are anticipated.
          activities encompass early stage reconnaissance work through
          target definition and testing. With the addition of nickel to the   In Trinidad and Tobago, we drilled two additional exploration
                                                             wells, which completed the exploration program on our northern
          exploration portfolio, our field activities now include Western
          Australia, where BHP holds a significant land position, and drill   licences. The Boom-1 well was spud in August 2019 and
                                                             encountered hydrocarbons; evaluation and analysis is ongoing.
          programs are scheduled to start as soon as we are able to mobilise.
          BHP exploration regions

                                Northern Canada

                             Eastern Canada

                South West US
                   Gulf of Mexico (US)
               Gulf of Mexico (Mexico)
                                         Trinidad and Tobago

                                                                           Western Australia
                                      Chile                                                    South Australia

              Copper exploration regions
              Petroleum exploration regions
              Nickel exploration regions

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