Page 29 - Annual Report 2020
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            Group Risk                                          Group Risks
              Strategy  Strategy   Commodities   Assets
                       formation  exposure   and growth                                                             Strategic Report
            Growth and   Political    Expansions,
            development  stability and    organic growth
                       new country   and major
                       entry      projects
              Production and   Operational   Mine to port   Third party   Asset    Transformational
            operations  productivity  infrastructure  performance  integrity  change                                Governance at BHP

              Commercial  Procurement   Maritime  Commodity   Sales    Counterparty
                       and inbound           price      security and   risk
                       supply chain                     concentration
                       management                                
            Planning and    Exploration  Resource   Reserve   Rehabilitation   Tailings    Geotechnical
            technical             development  reporting  and closure  storage    stability
                                                                                      
               People and   Attract, retain   Diversity,   Industrial    Labour
            culture    and engage   inclusion    and employee   relations
                       capability  and equal   relations                                                            Remuneration Report
              Health and    Aviation  Process safety/  Non-process    Physical    Mental and   Occupational   Contractor   Occupational
            safety                hazardous   fire and   security and   physical    safety  management  health
                                  materials   explosion  company    health                           exposures
                                  containment ▲        crisis
            Environment,    Biodiversity    Human    Climate    Community  Water
            climate change   loss and land    rights  change        interactions
            and community  use impacts
                                                      ▲          ▲
              Technology,   IT/OT service   Cybersecurity  Automation    Data                                       Directors’ Report
            innovation and    management     and technology  protection  Principal risks
            systems                          innovation
                                                                      The allocation of our principal risks to the Group Risk
                                                                      Architecture is shown in a darker shade of blue. Our principal
              Financial   Liquidity  Tax     Financial    Balance     risks are described further in the Risk factors section. These
            management                       control and   sheet      include risks that could result in events or circumstances that
                                             reporting                might threaten our business model, future performance,
                                                                      solvency or liquidity and reputation.
                                                                      In identifying our principal risks, we have considered the
            Allocation    Capital   Corporate   Licence               potential impact and probability of the related events or
            of capital and   allocation  planning  to invest          circumstances, and the timescale over which they may occur.
            group planning
                                                                      Changes to our principal risks in FY2020:
                                                                       New
                Legal    Geopolitics    Ethics and   Legal and        ▲ Renamed                                     Financial Statements
            compliance and   and    compliance  regulatory
            stakeholder   stakeholder                                 Changes are described further in the Risk factors section.
            management  relations           

           Risk appetite                                       be taking too little or too much risk, and to identify whether further
           BHP’s Risk Appetite Statement has been approved by the Board   action is required. Our current KRIs monitor data such as market
           and is a foundational element of our Risk Framework. It is made    concentration based on the percentage of revenue linked to a
           up of a qualitative statement for each Group Risk Category that   single jurisdiction, the number of critical cybersecurity incidents,
           describes the nature and extent of risk we are prepared to take    greenhouse gas emissions relative to the FY2017 baseline and   Additional information
           in pursuing our objectives. When a new Group Risk Category is   trends in the number of community complaints received.
           introduced, the Board is asked to approve an updated Risk Appetite   Strategic business decisions
           Statement that includes a new qualitative statement for that new   Strategic business decisions and the pursuit of our strategic
           Category. The Risk Appetite Statement provides guidance to   objectives can inform, create or affect risks to which BHP is
           management on the amount and type of risk that is acceptable,   exposed. These risks may represent opportunities as well as
           and key risk indicators are set by management to help monitor   threats. The Risk Appetite Statement and KRIs are available to assist
           performance against our risk appetite.              in determining whether a proposed course of action is within BHP’s
           Key risk indicators                                 risk appetite.
           Key risk indicators (KRIs) assist in identifying whether BHP is   Our focus when managing risks associated with strategic business
           operating within or outside of our risk appetite, as defined in our   decisions is to enable the pursuit of high-reward strategies.   Shareholder information
           Risk Appetite Statement. They also support decision-making by   Therefore, as well as having controls to protect BHP from the
           providing management with information about financial and   downside risk, we will implement controls to increase the likelihood
           non-financial risk exposure at a Group level. KRIs are defined for   of the opportunity being realised. For example, we might establish
           Group Risks to provide the data for proactive monitoring of BHP’s   additional governance, oversight or reporting to ensure new
           risk performance. Where upper or lower KRI limits are exceeded,   initiatives remain on track.
           management will review potential causes to understand if BHP may

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