Page 33 - Annual Report 2020
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           A number of our principal risks may have impacts that are   Risk factors
           embedded in these scenarios. For example, operational risks   This section highlights our principal risks, as illustrated in the
           associated with occupational and process safety, asset integrity,   Group Risk Architecture diagram in the Risk strategy section. Our
           tailings storage facilities and third party performance may have   principal risks have changed since FY2019, largely due to changes in
           comparable impacts to an offshore well blow out. Similarly, risks   our external environment and the continued evolution of our Group   Strategic Report
           associated with community, human rights and climate change   Risk Architecture. These changes can be summarised as follows.
           (such as civil unrest or a natural disaster, including the physical
           impacts of climate change or a pandemic) may result in production   Risks associated with tailings storage facilities, geotechnical
           outages at one or more of our assets, while risks associated with   stability, non-process fire and explosion, and sales security and
           commodity prices, geopolitics and stakeholder relations may    concentration have been identified as principal risks to provide
           have impacts that result in a sustained low commodity price   additional visibility of some of the Group’s most significant risks
           environment (for example, an economic slowdown may be caused   and to better recognise the importance of managing certain
           by geopolitical events or responses of governments and other   strategic risks. Tailings storage facilities risks are discussed in this
           stakeholders to a pandemic). For further information on our   section with asset integrity. Geotechnical failures and underground   Governance at BHP
           principal risks, see the Risk factors section.      fires or explosions may pose significant threats to the health and
           Stress testing demonstrated that the Group’s balance sheet was   safety of our people and are therefore discussed with occupational
                                                               and process safety. Strategic risks associated with gaining and
           put under the greatest stress by the least likely scenario that all   maintaining access to the global markets that we rely upon
           three hypothetical events occur together. In such circumstances,   to trade our commodities are discussed with geopolitics and
           the Board considered that the Group would have a number of   stakeholder relations.
           mitigating actions available to it, including deferral of discretionary
           capital expenditure, issuance of debt and divestment of certain   The scope of two of our principal risks was expanded in FY2020
           assets. A further level of robustness is added given BHP would    and they have been removed from the Group Risk Architecture
           also have access to US$5.5 billion of credit through its revolving   diagram. Returns sustainability risks are now captured by assets
           credit facility.                                    and growth options, which better supports and reinforces revisions   Remuneration Report
           The Board was also mindful of key risk indicator performance,   made to our purpose and strategy in FY2020. Risks associated with
                                                               geopolitics and macroeconomics now fall within geopolitics and
           regular balance sheet stress testing against low commodity prices,   stakeholder relations in order to focus on broader macroeconomic
           and the assessment of our portfolio against scenarios as part of   and geopolitical trends that may affect BHP and our stakeholders.
           BHP’s strategy and corporate planning processes to help identify   The names of some of our principal risks have also changed in
           key uncertainties facing the global natural resources sector   order to better represent associated risks, although their scope
           (including in relation to climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic   remains the same.
           and commodity price volatility).
           In making this viability statement, the Board has also made    Our principal risks are further described in the risk factors listed
                                                               on the following pages. Each of these could materially and
           certain assumptions regarding management of the portfolio,    adversely affect our business, financial performance, financial   Directors’ Report
           the alignment of production, capital expenditure and operating   condition, prospects or reputation, leading to a loss of long-term
           expenditure with five-year plan forecasts and the alignment of   shareholder and/or investor confidence. While these represent our
           prices with the cyclical low price case used in monthly balance   most significant risks, BHP is also exposed to other risks that are
           sheet stress testing.                               important to us (for example, health, safety, environmental,
           Taking account of these matters (including the assumptions) and   community, financial, reputational, legal or other risks) that
           our current position and principal risks, the Board has a reasonable   are not described in the risk factors.
           expectation that BHP will be able to continue in operation and meet   We have considered the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic
           its liabilities as they fall due over the next three years.   on our business, including through event tree analysis to assess
                                                               its potential medium- to longer-term cascading impacts on the
                                                               Group’s risk profile and our enterprise-level watch list of emerging
                                                               themes. We will continue to assess the implications of the   Financial Statements
                                                               pandemic and have referenced impacts to our principal risks
                                                               in the following risk factors, where relevant. To the extent that
                                                               our business is adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic,
                                                               any such impacts may also have the effect of heightening some
                                                               of the risks listed on the following pages.          Additional information

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