Page 31 - Annual Report 2020
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           Risk process                                        and despite controls such as emergency response plans
           Our Risk Framework requires identification and management    and equipment in place that are designed to reduce the
           of risks to be embedded in business activities through the    number of fatalities.
           following process:                                  Our focus for current risks is to prevent their occurrence or   Strategic Report
                                                               minimise their impact should they occur, but we also consider
           Risk identification                                 how to maximise possible benefits that might be associated with
           New and emerging risks are identified and each is assigned an   strategic risks (as described in the Risk strategy section). Current
           owner, or accountable individual, in the part of our business   material risks are required to be evaluated once a year at a
           where the risk is located.                          minimum to determine whether our exposure to the risk is within
                                                               our risk appetite.
           Risk assessments
           Risks are assessed using an appropriate and internationally-  Emerging risk
           recognised technique to determine their potential impacts and   Emerging risks are newly developing or changing risks that are
           likelihood, prioritise them and inform risk treatment options.  highly uncertain and difficult to quantify. They are generally driven   Governance at BHP
           Risk treatment                                      by external influences and often cannot be prevented, although
           Controls are implemented to prevent, reduce or mitigate   they can be prepared for. They also tend to be interconnected
           downside risks and increase the likelihood of opportunities   and often require solutions that draw upon expertise from across
           being realised.                                     our organisation.
           Monitoring and review                               In FY2020, we introduced an enterprise-level watch list of emerging
           Risks and controls are reviewed periodically and on an ad hoc   themes that provides an evolving view of the changing external
           basis (including where there are high potential events or   environment and how it might have an impact on our business.
           changes in the external environment, such as the COVID-19   These themes represent areas of risk where a shift in direction could
           pandemic) to evaluate performance.                  have a significant impact on our operating environment, with the
                                                               potential to affect our strategy or business continuity.   Remuneration Report
                                                               We maintain the watch list and use it to support the identification
           Our Risk Framework includes requirements and guidance on the
           tools and process to manage all risk types (current and emerging).  and management of emerging risks through our normal business
                                                               activities and planning processes under our Risk Framework,
           Current risk                                        as well as to inform and test our corporate strategy.
           Current risks may have their origin inside BHP or originate as a   Once identified, our focus for emerging risks is on structured
           result of BHP’s activities. These may be strategic or operational    monitoring of the external environment, advocacy efforts to
           in nature and include material and non-material risks.  reduce the likelihood of the downside risks manifesting and,
           The materiality of a current risk is determined by estimating the   where appropriate, considering emerging risks (including
           maximum foreseeable loss (MFL) if that risk was to materialise.    opportunities) as part of our planning and strategy setting and   Directors’ Report
           The MFL is not an estimate of the probable impact to BHP if the risk   review process. We also apply contingency controls, such as
           was to materialise. Instead, the MFL is the estimated impact to BHP   response plans, to reduce the impact should emerging risks
           in a worst case scenario without regard to probability and assuming   that are outside our appetite occur. These controls increase
           that all risk controls, including insurance and hedging contracts,   the resilience of BHP to shocks from the external environment.
           are ineffective. For example, when calculating the number of   Emerging risks are required to be evaluated once a year at a
           fatalities to assess MFL in the event of an offshore well blow out,    minimum to determine whether the risks remain emerging
           we assume the personnel capacity of the drilling rig even though   and if our exposure is within our risk appetite.
           there may be fewer people on it at the time of an incident                                               Financial Statements

                                                                                                                    Additional information

                                                                                               BHP Annual Report 2020  29  Shareholder information
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