Page 32 - Annual Report 2020
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1.5.4 Risk management continued
          Risk intelligence
          The Board and senior management are provided with insights on trends and aggregate exposure for our most significant risks, as well as
          performance against risk appetite, by the Risk team. The Board also receives reports from other teams to support its robust assessment of
          BHP’s emerging and principal risks, including internal audit reports, ethics and compliance reports and the Chief Executive Officer’s report.
          A summary of the risk reports delivered by the Risk team and how these provide additional intelligence to the Board is outlined below.

                                                        BHP Board

                       CEO/ELT                     Risk and Audit Committee          Sustainability Committee

                      Material risk report              Material risk report           Material risk report

                        Financial Risk
                    Management Committee               Robust risk assessment        Priority Group Risk Reviews
                                                       and viability statement
                      Material risk report
                       (Finance focused)
                                                      Priority Group Risk Reviews

                      Viability statement

                                                            Material risk report includes:
                      Business Risk and                     •  Update on the implementation
                       Audit Committee                        of the Risk Framework
                                                            •  Risk proile overview
                                                            •  Material changes in the risk proile
                      Material risk report                  •  Key risk indicators
                       (Region focused)                     •  Chief Risk O icer opinion (or Head
                                                              of Risk Business Partners opinion for
                                                              Business Risk and Audit Committee)
                      Other management                      •  Priority Group Risk summaries
                         committees                         •  Update on emerging risk themes
                                As required

          Robust risk assessment and viability statement
          The Board has carried out a robust assessment of BHP’s emerging   The viability assessment took into account, among other things:
          and principal risks, including those that could result in events or   •  BHP’s commodity price protocols, including low-case prices
          circumstances that might threaten BHP’s business model, future   •  the latest funding and liquidity update
          performance, solvency or liquidity and reputation.  •  the long-dated maturity profile of BHP’s debt and the maximum
          The Board has assessed the prospects of BHP over the next three   debt maturing in any one year
          years, taking into account our current position and principal risks.  •  the flexibility in BHP’s capital and exploration expenditure
          The Board believes a three-year viability assessment period is   programs under the CAF
          appropriate for the following reasons. BHP has a two-year budget,    •  the reserve life of BHP’s minerals assets and the
          a five-year plan and a longer-term life of asset outlook. As   reserves-to-production life of our oil and gas assets
          highlighted in the Risk factors section, there is currently increased   •  the Group-level risk profile and the mitigating actions available
          uncertainty in the external environment, including due to   should particular risks materialise
          heightened political and policy uncertainty, growing civil unrest    •  any actual and further anticipated impacts of the COVID-19
          in some countries in which we operate and market volatility and   pandemic on BHP’s two-year budget and five-year plan
          geopolitical tensions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.
          This may increase the risk of commodity price and exchange rate   The Board’s assessment also took into account additional stress
          volatility and also affect the longer-term supply, demand and price   testing of the balance sheet against a number of scenarios that
          of our commodities. These factors result in variability in plans and   model three hypothetical events occurring individually and
          budgets. A three-year period strikes an appropriate balance   together in various combinations over the three-year viability
          between long- and short-term influences on performance.  period. These hypothetical events were:
                                                             1.   an offshore well blow out involving a drilling rig that we operate
                                                             2.  simultaneous, short-term production outages at some of our
                                                               most significant assets
                                                             3.  a low commodity price environment in FY2021 and FY2022,
                                                               followed by a gradual recovery by FY2025

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