Page 16 - Annual Report 2020
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1.4.5 Managing performance

          Corporate planning                                 Capital discipline
          Our corporate planning process is designed to deliver on our   We use our Capital Allocation Framework (CAF) to assess the most
          strategy. It guides the development of plans, targets and budgets   effective and efficient way to deploy capital. This helps us:
          to help us decide where to deploy our capital and resources.   •  maintain our plant and equipment to support safe and efficient
          We evaluate the range of investment opportunities and aim    operations over the long term
          to optimise the portfolio based on our assessment of risk, returns   •  keep our balance sheet strong to give us stability and flexibility
          and future optionality. We then develop a long-term capital plan   through the business cycle
          and guidance for the Group.                        •  reward our shareholders by paying out at least 50 per cent
          Assessment and monitoring                           of our Underlying attributable profit in dividends
          We review our portfolio against a constantly changing external   We then look at what would be the most valuable risk-adjusted
          environment, to capture and manage emerging opportunities    use for any excess capital and decide whether to:
          and risks. Long-term scenario planning is used to identify the   •  further reduce our debt
          strategic capabilities we need to be successful and to evaluate    •  return more cash to shareholders through additional dividends
          our preferred commodities and assets. We seek to identify potential   or share buy-backs
          new business opportunities and test the robustness of our portfolio   •  invest in growth, either through projects within our asset portfolio
          over a range of possible outcomes. We use signals tracking to   or through exploration or acquisitions, provided the investment
          monitor key trends and events that inform our strategic choices   will create more value, based on our assessment of its return,
          and identify actions to manage emerging risks.      risk and optionality, than a share buy-back

          Our Capital Allocation Framework promotes discipline in all capital decisions

                          Operating productivity                              Capital productivity
                                                Net operating cash  low

                   Maintenance capital  (1)         Strong balance sheet        Minimum 50% payout ratio dividend


                                                    Excess cash  low

               Debt reduction    Additional dividends    Buy-backs       Organic development  Acquisitions/divestments
                                               Maximise value and returns

         (1)  Maintenance capital includes spend on asset integrity, risk reduction, compliance, sustaining capacity/cost, transformation initiatives and climate change.

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