Page 15 - Annual Report 2020
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1.4.4 Our Operating Model                                                                                1

           Our Operating Model

           Assets                                                                                                   Strategic Report

               Minerals Australia               Minerals Americas                 Petroleum                         Governance at BHP
               Iron ore, copper, nickel, coal   Copper, potash, iron ore, coal    Petroleum
               Operated assets                  Operated assets  Non-operated assets  Operated assets  Non-operated assets
               Western Australia Iron Ore       Escondida    Samarco              Shenzi       Atlantis
               Olympic Dam                      Pampa Norte  Antamina             Angostura    Mad Dog
               Nickel West                      Jansen       Cerrejón             Pyrenees     Bass Strait
               Queensland Coal (BMA and BMC)                                      Macedon      North West Shelf
               New South Wales Energy Coal                                                                          Remuneration Report

                                                       Centres of Excellence

           Our Operating Model allows us to leverage integrated systems and technology, replicate expertise and apply high standards    Directors’ Report
           of governance and transparency. It includes:

           Assets         Assets are a set of one or more geographically proximate operations (including open-cut and underground
                        mines, and onshore and offshore oil and gas production and processing facilities). We produce commodities
                        through these assets. Our operated assets are wholly owned and operated by BHP or owned as a joint
                        venture and operated by BHP. We also hold interests in assets that are owned as a joint venture but are not
                        operated by BHP.
           Asset groups      We group most of our assets into geographic regions (Minerals Australia and Minerals Americas), while our oil
                        and gas assets are considered one global asset group (Petroleum).
           Commercial      Our Commercial function optimises value creation and minimises supply chain costs. It is organised around   Financial Statements
                        our core value chain activities – Sales and Marketing; Maritime and Supply Chain Excellence; Procurement;
                        Warehousing Inventory and Logistics and Property; and Market Analysis and Economics.

           Centres of   We have Centres of Excellence in the disciplines of maintenance and engineering, resource engineering,
           Excellence    projects and geoscience to develop organisational capability and best practice.
           Functions      Functions support all areas of BHP and have accountabilities and expertise in finance, legal, governance,
                        technology, human resources, corporate affairs, health, safety, environment and community.

           Leadership      Our Executive Leadership Team (ELT) is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Group and leads
                        the delivery of our strategic objectives.                                                   Additional information

                                                                                                                    Shareholder information

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