Page 19 - Annual Report 2020
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1.4.7 Our performance: Financial KPIs                                                                    1

           Key performance indicators
           Our key performance indicators (KPIs) enable us to measure our   Following BHP’s sale of the Onshore US assets, the contribution
           sustainable development and financial performance. These KPIs are   of these assets to the Group’s results is presented in this Annual
           used to assess performance of our people throughout the Group.   Report as Discontinued operations. To enable more meaningful   Strategic Report
                                                               comparisons with prior year disclosures and in some cases to
                For information on our approach to performance and reward,    comply with applicable statutory requirements, the data in section
                refer to section 3.
                                                               1.4.7 has been presented to include Onshore US, except for
                For information on our overall approach to executive remuneration,   Underlying EBITDA. Footnotes to tables and infographics indicate
                including remuneration policies and remuneration outcomes, refer   whether data presented in section 1.4.7 is inclusive or exclusive
                to section 3.                                  of Onshore US.
                                                                    For more information on the accounting treatment,
                                                                    refer to section 5.                             Governance at BHP

           Underlying                Underlying                Net operating             Underlying Return
           attributable profit  (1) (3)   EBITDA  (2) (3)      cash flows  (1)           on Capital Employed  (1) (3)

           US$ billion               US$ billion               US$ billion               %
           10                        25                        20                        20
           8                         20                  22.1  16                        16                  16.9   Remuneration Report
           6                         15                        12                        12

           4                         10                        8                         8

           2                         5                         4                         4

           0                         0                         0                         0
                 FY2016  FY2017  FY2018  FY2019  FY2020  FY2016  FY2017  FY2018  FY2019  FY2020  FY2016  FY2017  FY2018  FY2019  FY2020  FY2016  FY2017  FY2018  FY2019  FY2020  Directors’ Report

           In FY2020, record production at WAIO, Caval Ridge and Poitrel;   Cash flow and balance sheet
           record coal mined at Broadmeadow together with record throughput   Our Net operating cash flows (Continuing operations) of
           at Escondida and improved operational stability generated solid cash   US$15.7 billion in FY2020 (FY2019: US$17.4 billion) reflects lower
           flow despite field and grade declines at Petroleum and Copper,   Underlying EBITDA results although with tax payments in line with
           enabling us to maintain net debt  at the low end of our target range   FY2019 due to higher instalment rates.
           and increase our ordinary dividend payments.
           Profit and earnings                                 Our balance sheet remains strong with net debt at US$12.0 billion   Financial Statements
                                                               at FY2020 year end (FY2019: US$9.4 billion), which is at the low
           Attributable profit of US$8.0 billion in FY2020 includes an   end of our target net debt range.
           exceptional loss of US$1.1 billion (after tax), compared to an   The increase of US$2.6 billion in net debt in FY2020 is primarily
           attributable profit of US$8.3 billion, including an exceptional    related to the impact of the application of IFRS 16 Leases,
           loss of US$0.8 billion (after tax) in the prior period. The FY2020   returns to shareholders of US$6.9 billion and dividends paid
           exceptional loss is related to the impairment of Cerro Colorado,    to non-controlling interests of US$1.0 billion, being offset by
           a provision for cancellation of power contracts as part of a shift   free cash flow  generation of US$8.1 billion.
           towards 100 per cent renewable energy at Escondida and Spence,
           COVID-19 related costs and the current year impact of the Samarco   Our gearing ratio  at FY2020 year end was 18.7 per cent
           dam failure.                                        (FY2019: 15.4 per cent).
           Our Underlying attributable profit was US$9.1 billion in FY2020   Our Underlying Return on Capital Employed was 16.9 per cent    Additional information
           (FY2019: US$9.1 billion).                           for FY2020 (FY2019: 15.9 per cent).
           We reported Underlying EBITDA (Continuing operations) of
           US$22.1 billion in FY2020 (FY2019: US$23.2 billion), with lower
           prices (excluding iron ore), lower volumes (including copper grade
           and petroleum field declines), inflation, an increase in the closure
           and rehabilitation provision for closed mines, increased deferred
           stripping depletion in line with mine plan at Escondida and other
           net movements (in total US$6.1 billion), compared to the prior
           period. This decrease was, partially offset by record volumes
           at a number of our assets, improved operating stability, favourable
           impacts from exchange rate movements, the application of                                                 Shareholder information
           IFRS 16 Leases and other net movements (in total US$5.0 billion).

           (1) Includes data for Continuing and Discontinued operations for the financial years being reported.
           (2) Excludes data from Discontinued operations for the financial years being reported.
           (3) For more information on Alternative Performance Measures, refer to section 6.1.

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