Page 67 - Annual Report 2020
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1.7.8 Climate change                                                                                     1

           This year, we produced the BHP Climate Change
           Report 2020, aligned with the Task Force on
           Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)                                                             Strategic Report
           recommendations. The Report provides a more
           detailed discussion of our approach to identifying
           and managing climate-related risks (both threats
           and opportunities) and our progress on our public
           commitments in response to climate change.
           More information is available at

           Warming of the climate is unequivocal, the human influence is clear and physical impacts are unavoidable.  Governance at BHP
           We believe the world must pursue the Paris Agreement goals,    mid-planning case (Central Energy View). The modelling also
           with increased levels of national and global ambition, to limit the   showed strong cumulative demand for iron ore, metallurgical coal
           impacts of climate change. Access to affordable and clean energy   and natural gas and more modest demand for oil in the transition
           and the availability of natural resources for manufacturing are   to a low carbon future over the next 30 years.
           essential to meet sustainable development goals. At BHP, we   Opportunities to invest in commodities such as potash, nickel and
           advocate for actions in line with the Paris Agreement goals while   copper, and our rigorous approach to capital allocation, provide
           recognising the challenge of achieving these goals is of global scale   a strong foundation for our business as the world takes the action
           and historic complexity.                            to decarbonise, even for a 1.5°C world.
           Portfolio analysis                                  Transitioning the global economy over the next 30 years on a
           The BHP Climate Change Report 2020 describes our latest portfolio   trajectory consistent with the Paris Agreement goals would limit   Remuneration Report
           analysis, including four scenarios: Central Energy View and Lower   potential global climate-related impacts, including physical climate
           Carbon View which we use as inputs to our planning cases; a   change risks at our assets, and potentially generate opportunities
           non-linear, higher temperature Climate Crisis scenario, and a 1.5°C   to add significant value to our portfolio. The need to adapt would
           Paris-aligned scenario.                             also grow as the global average temperature rises, suggesting that
           There are inherent limitations with scenario analysis and it is   transitioning to a 1.5°C world could limit the costs associated with
           difficult to predict which, if any, of the scenarios might eventuate.   adaptation in many regions, compared to higher temperature
           Scenarios do not constitute definitive outcomes for us. Scenario   trajectories. The 1.5°C scenario is an attractive scenario for BHP,
           analysis relies on assumptions that may or may not be, or prove    our shareholders and the global community.
           to be, correct and may or may not eventuate, and scenarios may    However, today’s signposts do not indicate that the appropriate   Directors’ Report
           be impacted by additional factors to the assumptions disclosed.   measures are in place to drive decarbonisation at the pace nor scale
           To stay within a carbon budget that keeps global warming to no   required for the 1.5°C scenario. If we see the necessary changes in
           more than 1.5°C, the 1.5°C scenario requires steep global annual   our signposts, we will adjust our planning cases accordingly. Given
           emissions reductions, sustained for decades. This pathway to    the long lead times for new investments, we will continue to stress
           2050 represents a major departure from today’s global trajectory.   test our decision making with updated strategic themes and
                                                               scenarios to better understand emerging opportunities. We will also
           Our updated portfolio analysis demonstrates that our business can   continue to advocate for actions in line with the Paris Agreement
           continue to thrive over the next 30 years, as the global community   goals and seek partnerships to leverage our own investments in low
           takes action to decarbonise, even under a Paris-aligned 1.5°C   emissions and negative emissions technologies and natural climate
           trajectory. This modelling indicated that cumulative demand for   solutions, because we believe it is the right thing to do for our
           copper, nickel and potash over the next 30 years in the 1.5°C   shareholders and our global community.
           scenario could not only exceed the last 30 years, but also our                                           Financial Statements
           Operational GHG emissions and energy consumption
           BHP’s commitments to reduce operational GHG emissions
           Short-term    By FY2022, maintain emissions at or below FY2017 levels,  while we continue to grow
           target:      our business
           Medium-term   Reduce emissions by at least 30 per cent from FY2020 levels  by FY2030
           Long-term    Net zero emissions by 2050                                                                  Additional information
           Reducing our operational emissions is a key performance indicator for our business. Our performance against our targets is reflected
           in senior executive and leadership remuneration.
           We have set public GHG emissions reduction targets since the 1990s and regularly review them as our strategy and circumstances
           change. Our current short-term target for FY2022 is to maintain our total operational emissions at or below FY2017 levels  while we
           continue to grow our business. We have also set the long-term goal of achieving net-zero operational emissions by 2050 and our new
           medium-term target is to reduce operational GHG emissions by at least 30 per cent from FY2020 levels  by FY2030. Building on our
           short-term target for FY2022, the FY2030 target sets the trajectory towards achieving our long-term goal.
           BHP has disclosed Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions totals based on an operational control approach to boundaries for many years.    Shareholder information
           In FY2020, BHP has for the first time also disclosed total emissions under a financial control approach and an equity share approach,
           providing more detail on emissions associated with our investments. Refer to section 6.6.4 for our equity share and financial control
           emissions. BHP’s operational emissions targets continue to be measured against our GHG emissions based on an operational control,
           market-based methodology.

           (1)  FY2017 and FY2020 baseline will be adjusted for any material acquisitions and divestments based on GHG emissions at the time of the transaction. Carbon offsets will
             be used as required. FY2017 baseline is on a Continuing operations basis and has been adjusted for divestments.
           (2) Carbon offsets will be used as required.

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