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1.7.7 Value chain sustainability continued
          Process stewardship
          We support industry association programs and other initiatives    A focus on maritime sector emissions
          that bring together participants in a product’s life cycle to improve
          sustainability performance. For example, we are members of the   We are prioritising support for emissions solutions in the maritime
          ICMM, apply the ICMM Mining Principles and participate in the   sector. Ocean freight is vital to our success as a reliable global
          ICMM Materials Stewardship Facility. In FY2020, we developed    supplier and is coming into focus as an area in which, in
          and implemented a plan to conform to the updated ICMM Mining   partnership with the shipping industry, progress can be made to
          Principles, which now include clearly articulated performance   reduce emissions. We are one of the largest dry bulk charterers in
          expectations and requirements for asset-level validation. We are   the world, procuring freight for approximately 250 million tonnes
          members of Responsible Steel, participated in the London Metal   of iron ore, coal and copper and completing approximately
          Exchange’s consultation on responsible sourcing standards and   1,500 voyages each year.
          participated in the development of the Copper Mark, a new   The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has set goals
          assurance program for responsible copper production established   to reduce the carbon intensity of international shipping by
          by the International Copper Association. Our participation in these   40 per cent by CY2030 and by 70 per cent by CY2050, as well
          initiatives is aimed at ensuring the standards and thresholds are   as reducing the total annual GHG emissions from international
          meaningful and drive a fundamental change in the industry.   shipping by at least 50 per cent by CY2050. We believe we can
          Product stewardship                                make an important contribution to bringing about change in the
                                                             bulk carrier segment.
          BHP encourages the responsible design, use, reuse, recycling and
          disposal of our products throughout our value chain, in line with   Our Maritime and Supply Chain Excellence team is taking
          the ICMM Mining Principles.                        a proactive role and seeking to drive change in the industry
          Our Sales and Marketing team works with our operated assets    to increase the focus on safety, environmental sustainability,
                                                             innovation and efficiency. BHP has continued to collaborate
          to maintain compliance with all product regulatory requirements    with RightShip,  the world’s leading maritime risk management
          in relevant markets. This includes assessing the hazards of the   organisation to use their GHG ratings system that encourages
          products of mining according to UN Globally Harmonised System   charterers to use ships designed for greater energy efficiency.
          of Hazard Classification and Labelling or equivalent relevant   In response, we have seen ship owners improve engine
          regulatory systems, and communicating through safety data    performance and reduce drag. In July 2019, we released the
          sheets and labelling as appropriate.               world’s first bulk carrier tender for LNG-fuelled transport for up
          Where possible, BHP also works directly with those involved    to 10 per cent of BHP’s iron ore. Introducing LNG-fuelled ships
          in the processing and use of our products to improve environmental   into BHP’s maritime supply chain is expected to significantly reduce
          performance throughout the value chain, and to promote the   CO 2  and NO x  (nitrogen oxide) emissions and eliminate SO x  (sulphur
          sustainable use of our products. For example, we work with   oxide) emissions along the busiest bulk transport routes globally.
          individual customers to design and test raw material blends that
          optimise environmental performance. We also collaborate on   More information on value chain sustainability is available
          research with customers, industry bodies and academia to identify   at
          sustainable product and process improvements. We seek to
          improve traceability and transparency of products through piloting
          blockchain initiatives with industry consortia.
          In July 2019, BHP committed to set public goals related to
          Scope 3 GHG emissions. During FY2020, we investigated BHP’s
          opportunities to influence GHG emissions reductions through
          an analysis of our value chain and consultation with suppliers,
          customers, investors and other stakeholders. As a result, we have
          set Scope 3 GHG emissions goals for CY2030.
               For more information on our approach to value chain
               sustainability visit

          (1)  RightShip is equally owned by BHP, Rio Tinto and Cargill. More information is available at

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