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1.7.6 Environment continued

          Rehabilitation and closure                         We apply BHP’s Risk Framework to our closure management
          In recognition of the potentially significant financial, environmental,   process to appropriately identify and manage closure risks (both
          climate-related and social risks associated with future closure    threats and opportunities) in our closure management plans. Our
          of our operations, we are committed to integrating closure and   closure management plans are also required to include long-term
          rehabilitation into our planning, decision-making and activities   monitoring to verify that any controls implemented are effective
          through the entire life cycle of our assets.       and performance standards are achieved and maintained after
                                                             operations cease.
          BHP’s closure objective is to deliver optimised closure outcomes
          for our operated assets in consultation with local communities    We regularly review our process to progressively close and
          and other stakeholders. Optimised closure outcomes are those    rehabilitate areas that are no longer required for operational
          that minimise adverse impacts and maximise post-closure value.   purposes and update our closure management plans and practices
          We implement our objective by following the closure management   as required with knowledge obtained from on-site experience
          process, which is designed to produce an optimised closure   across our business and leading practice from the global industry.
          management plan that is integrated into our operational plans.    We report annually on the status of land disturbance
          In addition to compliance with legal requirements, our closure   and rehabilitation.
          management process takes into consideration our values,
          commitment to safety, and technical and economic achievability.    More information on our approach to closure
          We develop site-specific closure management plans for our   is available at
          operated assets that are designed to deliver enduring
          environmental and social benefits.                 Contributing to a resilient environment
          The closure outcome for a site may include one or a combination    BHP recognises we have a broader role to play in contributing
          of alternative land use (including for enduring environmental and   to environmental resilience. We achieve this through our social
          social benefits), ongoing management, relinquishment or   investment strategy and work with strategic partners and
          responsible divestment. As part of the closure management   communities to invest in voluntary projects that contribute
          process, BHP operated assets are required to prepare and maintain   to the management of areas of national or international
          a closure management plan that balances business and external   conservation significance.
          stakeholder interests and meets the following closure objectives:
          •  comply with our obligations, legal requirements and BHP   We have committed more than US$78 million to biodiversity
                                                             conservation since 2011, through our alliance with Conservation
           mandatory minimum performance requirements for closure  International and other partners. We look for projects that can
          •  achieve safe and stable outcomes                provide multiple benefits, such as contributing to water quality
          •  effectively manage risks (both threats and opportunities)  or quantity, nature-based solutions to climate change and local
          •  meet approved target environmental outcomes by following the   livelihoods or cultural benefits, in addition to contributing to
           Our Requirements for Environment and Climate Change standard  biodiversity conservation.
          •  progressively reduce obligations, including progressive closure
           of the area disturbed by our operational footprint     More information on initiatives we have contributed
          •  manage and optimise closure costs                    to is available at
          Information about BHP’s financial provision related to rehabilitation
          and closure liabilities is available in note 14 ‘Closure and
          rehabilitation provisions’ in section 5.

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