Page 60 - Annual Report 2020
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1.7.6 Environment

          Minimising environmental impacts                   To support continual improvement in environmental performance,
          There is growing pressure on and competition for environmental   each of our operated assets is required to have an Environmental
          resources, such as land, biodiversity, water and air; and climate   Management System (EMS) that aligns with ISO14001 standards
          change amplifies aspects of the sensitivities of our natural systems.   and set target environmental outcomes for land, biodiversity, air
          Our operations and growth strategy depend on obtaining and   and water resources that are consistent with the assessed risks
          maintaining the right to access these environmental resources.    and potential impacts. Target environmental outcomes are required
          Our environmental performance and management of    to be approved by the relevant Asset President or equivalent and
          environmental impacts on the communities in which we operate   included in the life of asset plan. Verification of the EMS is either via
          are critical to creating social value. We seek to avoid, minimise    ISO14001 certification, for those sites that currently hold ISO14001
          and mitigate adverse environmental impacts at every stage    certification, or internal assurance processes.
          in the life cycle of our operated assets in line with our defined   We released an updated version of the Our Requirements for
          risk appetite. However, we recognise our activities have an   Environment and Climate Change standard in FY2020, to reflect
          environmental footprint, and therefore, we also commit to making   recent changes in BHP’s Risk Framework and other Our
          voluntary contributions to support environmental resilience across   Requirements standards, our Water Stewardship Position
          the regions in which we operate.                   Statement, current public environment targets for climate change,
          We have comprehensive governance, risk management, policies   water and biodiversity, and new technical standards for water.
          and processes that set the basis for how we manage risk and   Our operated assets are required to have an implementation plan
          realise opportunities to achieve our environmental objectives.    in place for new requirements contained in the updated version
          Our approach to environmental management is set out in the    of the standard.
          Our Requirements for Environment and Climate Change standard   More information on our environment approach, the Our
          and our mandatory minimum performance requirements for risk   Requirements for Environment and Climate Change standard and
          management. These standards have been designed taking account   environmental management and governance processes is available
          of the ISO management system requirements, such as ISO14001   at
          for Environmental Management.
          The Our Requirements for Environment and Climate Change
          standard outlines our Group-wide mandatory minimum
          requirements to deliver on our commitments and manage risk.
          It requires us to take an integrated, risk-based approach to the
          management of any actual or reasonably foreseeable operational
          impacts (which includes direct, indirect and cumulative impacts)
          on land, biodiversity, water and air. We establish and implement
          monitoring and review practices designed to ensure continued
          management of environment-related risk within our risk appetite
          through business planning and project evaluation cycles.
          In addition to the environment specific components, the standard
          also includes specific climate change-related requirements
          for our operated assets.

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