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1.7.2 Our approach continued
          Regulatory requirements
          We are committed to complying with the laws and regulations of   Although these standards are for internal use, we have made the
          the jurisdictions in which we operate and aim to exceed legal and   HSEC-related elements of several of the Our Requirements
          regulatory requirements where they are less stringent than our own   standards and related documents publicly available at
          internal standards.                                We updated and released the Our Requirements for Environment
          We set clear sustainability accountabilities. Everyone involved in   and Climate Change standard in FY2020.
          our operated assets and our functions is guided in the execution of   We comply with the Non-financial Reporting Directive requirements
          these accountabilities by Our Charter and supported by Our Code   from sections 414CA and 414CB of the UK Companies Act 2006.
          of Conduct and the Our Requirements standards.     The table below sets out where relevant information is located
                                                             in this Annual Report.

          Reporting requirement       Reference in this Annual Report  Policies and standards available online
          Environmental matters       1.7.6 Environment           Our Requirements for Environment and Climate Change standard
                                                                  Water Stewardship Position Statement
                                                                  Climate Change Position Statement
          Employees                   1.6.1 Our people            Our Code of Conduct
                                      1.6.2 Employees and contractors  Our Requirements for Safety standard
                                                                  Our Requirements for Health standard
                                      1.7.3 Safety
                                      1.7.4 Health
         Social matters and human rights  1.7.9 Community         Our Code of Conduct
                                                                  Our Requirements for Community, Environment and Climate
                                                                  Change, Security and Emergency Management standards,
                                                                  and Our Requirements for Supply standard (Minimum
                                                                  requirements for suppliers)
                                                                  Human Rights Policy Statement
                                                                  Indigenous Peoples Policy Statement
                                                                  Indigenous Peoples Strategy
         Anti-corruption and anti-bribery matters  1.7.5 Ethics and business conduct  Our Code of Conduct
                                                                  Our Requirements for Supply standard
                                                                  (minimum requirements for suppliers)
         Principal risks relating to the matters   1.5.4 Risk management  Our mandatory minimum performance requirements
         mentioned above                                          for risk management
         Non-financial key performance indicators 1.4.8  Our performance: Non-financial KPIs
                                      6.6 Sustainability – performance data

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