Page 55 - Annual Report 2020
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           Contributing to sustainable development
           The UNSDGs (SDGs) are goals to improve the wellbeing of present and future generations. The 17 UNSDGs promote sustainable
           development to tackle the world’s most pressing challenges. We recognise that we have the ability to contribute to broader societal goals   Strategic Report
           with our stakeholders, enabling the creation of mutual benefit. We recognise that our business activities can create negative impacts and
           to contribute meaningfully to the SDGs we must consider how we do business. The interconnectedness of the SDGs means that a positive
           contribution to one does not compensate for negative impacts in others, so we work to understand the linkages, manage and mitigate our
           impacts, and determine how we can make a positive contribution to the SDGs most relevant to our business and social value priorities.
           We contribute towards the achievement of the SDGs through:

           Our work on inclusion and diversity (refer to   Our focus on water stewardship   Our work on marine and terrestrial
           section 1.6.1 for information on our approach   (refer to section 1.7.6 for information   biodiversity (refer to section 1.7.6 for
           and how we are tracking against our goal of   on our approach to water   information on our approach to   Governance at BHP
           achieving gender balance in our workforce   management) (SDG 6)         biodiversity) (SDGs 14 and 15)
           by the end of CY2025) (SDGs 5 and 8)

           The taxes and royalties we pay to host   Our voluntary social investment   Our commitment to the Paris   Remuneration Report
           governments, the direct and indirect   (refer to section 1.7.9 for information   Agreement goals and action to reduce
           employment opportunities we create    on our social investment strategy   our operational emissions help to
           and our supply chain (refer to section   and framework) (SDGs 3, 4 and 11)  address emissions in our value chain,
           1.4.9 and our Economic Contribution                                     build resilience and enhance the
           Report 2020) (SDG 8)                                                    global response to climate change
                                                                                   (refer to section 1.7.7 for information
                                                                                   on our approach to value chain
                                                                                   sustainability and 1.7.8 for our
                                                                                   approach to climate change) (SDG 13)  Directors’ Report

           This approach allows us to work in partnership with others to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes (SDG 17).  Financial Statements

           Sustainability governance                           Our stakeholders
           BHP’s Board oversees our approach to sustainability. The Board’s   BHP is committed to building strong relationships with
           Sustainability Committee has oversight of health, safety,   our stakeholders to achieve long-term sustainable social,
           environmental and community (HSEC) matters and assists    environmental and economic outcomes. We actively participate
           the Board with governance and monitoring. Members of the   in government consultations and voluntary initiatives, and
           Sustainability Committee are Non-executive Directors determined   engage with industry associations to support positive change
           by the Board to have appropriate skills in HSEC matters.   and sustainable practices. Locally, our operated assets develop
           The members of the Sustainability Committee in FY2020    mutually beneficial relationships with communities and plan,
                                                               implement and document stakeholder engagement activities.
           were Malcolm Broomhead, Ian Cockerill, Gary Goldberg (from
           1 February 2020) and John Mogford. The Committee met five    A detailed description of our stakeholders, their interests and    Additional information
           times during FY2020, three times face to face and twice virtually.  how we engage with them is available at
           The Sustainability Committee also oversees the adequacy of the   For information on how the Board engages with key stakeholder
           systems to identify and manage HSEC-related risks, and overall   groups, refer to section 1.4.3.
           HSEC and other human rights performance. The Board’s Risk and
           Audit Committee assists with oversight of the Group’s risk
           management systems. In FY2020, three of the five Sustainability
           Committee meetings included a joint session with the RAC.
                For more information, refer to section 2.10.
           The Sustainability Committee recommends to the Board the                                                 Shareholder information
           approval of disclosures regarding sustainability matters in
           conjunction with the Annual Report. The Committee also guides the
           Remuneration Committee in setting HSEC-related scorecard targets
           and evaluating performance against those targets. The Sustainability
           Committee also meets with the Forum on Corporate Responsibility,
           as described in the Section 172 Statement in section 1.4.3.
                For more information about the Sustainability
                Committee and its work, refer to section 2.11.

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