Page 57 - Annual Report 2020
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1.7.3 Safety                                                                                             1

                                                                                                                    Strategic Report

           Our highest priority is the safety of our workforce and the communities in which we operate.             Governance at BHP
           In FY2020, there were no fatalities at our operated assets,    Contractor safety
                                                                                                                    Remuneration Report
           and we have continued the disciplined implementation of our   In FY2020, we implemented additional safety requirements for
           safety standards. We have continued to improve and refine our   engaging, contracting and transacting with our contractors.
           Field Leadership Program, incident investigations, and controls    These contractor safety requirements have been rolled out across
           to manage fatal risks.                              BHP’s operated assets. In addition, the integrated Contractor
           We continue to strengthen our safety leadership and culture    Management Program was established to:
           by educating our people about chronic unease, which is being   •  take a human-centric, inclusive approach to establish   Directors’ Report
           mindful of the possibility of what could go wrong and creating    partnerships with external service providers, driving safer work
           a culture where it is safe to speak up and report hazards and   through integrated processes and technologies
           incidents. One of the objectives of our global Field Leadership   •  develop long-term mutually beneficial relationships with our
           Program is to strengthen the reporting culture. We monitor   external partners
           reporting culture across all our operations and coach and support   •  support an inclusive, respectful and caring workforce culture,
           our leaders to improve the quality of our field leadership activities   with improved safety, health and wellbeing outcomes
           with our employees and contractors.
           To support the BHP target of zero work-related fatalities, we have   Event management
           been working towards global risk standardisation of critical controls   During FY2019, we introduced our improved and more intuitive
           and performance standards for three safety risks: person(s) falling   event management system. The system records health, safety,
           from heights; lifting and cranage; and confined space incidents.   environmental and community events, and is designed to capture,   Financial Statements
                                                               analyse and track those events in real time. The system allows us
           Our safety performance                              to capture incident investigations and share information across
           Total recordable injury frequency (per million hours worked)   the organisation so that we can learn from those incidents.
                                                               The system drives data quality, through consistent inputs and
            Year ended 30 June         2020     2019    2018   outputs, producing meaningful and effective reports. In FY2020,
            Total recordable injury frequency  (1)  4.2  4.7  4.4  we enhanced our event management system to allow events to
                                                               be recorded in more detail, to enable deeper analysis and
           (1)  FY2017 to FY2018 data includes Continuing operations and Discontinued   continuous improvement.
             operations (Onshore US assets). FY2019 data includes Discontinued operations
             (Onshore US assets) to 28 February 2019 and Continuing operations.
                                                                    For more information on safety visit
           Our total recordable injury frequency (TRIF) performance                                                 Additional information
           decreased by 11 per cent from FY2019.
           High potential injury events  (1)
            Year ended 30 June         2020     2019    2018
            High potential injury events  (2)  42  50    54
           (1)  High potential injury basis of calculation revised in FY2020 from event count
             to injury count as part of a safety reporting methodology improvement.
           (2) FY2017 to FY2018 data includes Continuing operations and Discontinued
             operations (Onshore US assets). FY2019 data includes Discontinued operations
             (Onshore US assets) to 28 February 2019 and Continuing operations.
           High potential injuries decreased by 16 per cent from FY2019 and                                         Shareholder information
           the frequency rate decreased by 23 per cent. We see the highest
           number of events that have fatality potential in vehicle, mobile
           equipment, dropped and falling object events. High potential injury
           trends remain a primary focus to assess progress against our most
           important safety objective: to eliminate fatalities.

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