Page 46 - Annual Report 2020
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1.6 Capability and culture

          1.6.1 Our people
          Our global workforce is the foundation of our business and we believe that supporting the wellbeing of our
          people and promoting an inclusive and diverse culture are vital for maintaining a competitive advantage.
          We engage more than 80,000 employees and contractors globally   To continue to grow value we must ensure our operations perform
          and empower them to work in safer, more creative and rewarding   well and that means safely, productively, cost-effectively and
          ways. We trust and collaborate to drive performance and give our   reliably. We invest in our people to drive this performance.
          people more say, new capabilities and tools, and new avenues for   In FY2020, we invested in a new workforce surveying and analytics
          technology and innovation.                         platform that provides our leaders with deeper and more frequent
          We provide competitive remuneration to reward employees for their   insights into our culture and our people’s safety, engagement and
          expertise and commitment to our business strategy and long-term   enablement. We first deployed this technology in response to the
          success. Our remuneration approach is designed to inspire our   COVID-19 pandemic, to closely manage wellbeing and monitor the
          employees to embrace BHP’s core objectives and values.  effectiveness of communication. With more than 55,000 responses
          Developing our capabilities and an enabled culture  over a three-month period from employees and contractors
                                                             to a weekly pulse survey, we could respond to the needs of our
          The delivery of our strategy is predicated on culture and capability.   workforce by deploying targeted support initiatives, such as
          We apply the BHP Operating System (BOS) practices to build    leader guides, training packages, coaching and access to mental
          leader capability. We invest in people and capability to deliver    health services.
          high performance and our aspiration for a gender-balanced   Our COVID-19 wellbeing survey results identified our leaders
          workforce. We drive continuous improvement through respect    as strong communicators and leaders of their teams through
          for people’s differences, self-accountability, a hunger to learn    significant change. Eighty-nine per cent of respondents indicated
          and a commercial mindset.                          they received support from their leader when they needed it and
          The BOS sets the foundation for long-term and in-depth learning   92 per cent were clear about what they should be working on.
          and development, by developing practices and capabilities that   With a focus on developing capability in core leadership routines,
          empower our people to pursue operating excellence. In FY2020,   2,602 leaders have participated in the Step Up to Leadership
          the focus of our capability building work was on teaching and   training since FY2015, which has been pivotal in the development
          embedding the BOS practices across our operated assets, from   of BHP’s culture over the past five years. These programs will be
          general managers to frontline employees and contractors. The BOS   updated in FY2021 to further support our people and the
          senior leader development sessions equipped senior leaders to   development of our culture.
          lead and role model the BOS’s principles and practices. We will
          further develop leadership capability in FY2021 through the BOS   We also focused on developing the leadership skills of our Indigenous
          learning and development programs for coaches and work with our   employees in FY2020, through our Indigenous development
          leaders to support the effective embedment of the BOS to improve   program, which identifies Indigenous employees with leadership
          operational capability and cultural outcomes.      potential and addresses barriers to career progression. For more
                                                             information, refer to the Indigenous employment section.

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