Page 41 - Annual Report 2020
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            We have a Climate Change Position Statement that sets out our    developments that could impact the resilience of our portfolio
            views on climate change and our commitments to act in response to   and remain alert to policy, regulatory, legal, technological, market,   Strategic Report
            climate change. The Our Requirements for Environment and Climate   societal and environmental developments that may indicate changes
            Change standard establishes minimum requirements for managing   to our signposts and the development of new uncertainties in our
            climate change threats and opportunities and supports the execution    portfolio analysis.
            of our climate change strategies and plans through our corporate   We seek to mitigate our exposure to risk arising from current and
            planning processes.                                emerging policy and regulation in our operating jurisdictions and markets
            We work with globally recognised agencies to obtain regional analyses   by reducing our operational emissions. In CY2020, we set a medium-term
            of climate science to improve our understanding of the potential climate   target to reduce our operational GHG emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2
            vulnerabilities of our operations and communities where we operate,   from our operated assets) by at least 30 per cent from FY2020 levels
            and to inform resilience planning at an asset level. We take a risk-based   by FY2030. We also take a product stewardship approach to emissions    Governance at BHP
            approach to adaptation, including consideration of the potential   in our value chain. In CY2020, for example, we set public goals to address
            vulnerabilities of our operated assets, investments, portfolio,   Scope 3 emissions.
            communities, ecosystems and our suppliers and customers across    Identifying cost-effective and robust carbon offsets is important to
            the value chain.                                   meeting our emissions reduction commitments and managing
            Our operated assets are required to develop plans to build climate   reputational risk. We therefore also support the development of market
            resilience into their activities and we require proposed new investments   mechanisms that reduce global GHG emissions through projects that
            to assess and manage risks associated with potential physical impacts    generate carbon credits.
            of climate change.                                 We also respond to our exposure to policy and regulatory risk
            Climate-related scenarios, themes and signposts are used to evaluate   by advocating for the development of an effective, long-term
            the resilience of our portfolio and inform BHP’s strategy. Climate-related   policy framework that can deliver a measured transition to a low
            risks are assessed alongside the other threats and opportunities that    carbon economy.
            BHP faces when making capital expenditure decisions or allocating   The Group continues to monitor policy, market and technological changes   Remuneration Report
            capital through our CAF. Our Risk Framework helps identify these risks
            for input to the prioritisation of capital and to investment approval   and community, investor and regulatory standards and expectations as
                                                               they develop, to inform appropriate management actions.
            processes. Our investment evaluation process has incorporated market
            and sector-based carbon prices for more than a decade.  For more information on our climate change risk management
            In CY2020, we published the BHP Climate Change Report 2020    strategy, refer to the BHP Climate Change Report 2020 available at
            that describes our latest portfolio analysis, including a 1.5°C Paris
            Agreement-aligned scenario. We continue to monitor climate-related
            FY2020 insights                                                                                         Directors’ Report
            During FY2020, community, investor and regulatory standards and expectations in relation to climate change continued to increase. Public response
            to severe natural disasters, including bushfires in Australia this year, heightened scrutiny of potential links between climate change and physical impacts
            and spurred calls for more rapid and aggressive action from governments and companies. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent
            reduction in economic activity decreased emissions, which may lead to opportunities to restart economies with a greater focus on sustainability.   Financial Statements

                                                                                                                    Shareholder information

           (1)  FY2020 baseline will be adjusted for any material acquisitions and divestments based on greenhouse gas emissions at the time of the transaction. Carbon offsets will   Additional information
             be used as required.

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