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            Balance sheet and liquidity
            Risks associated with our ability to maintain a robust and effective balance sheet, raise debt, return value to shareholders and remain
            financially liquid.                                                                                     Strategic Report

            Why is this important to BHP?
            Fluctuations in commodity prices, operational or supply chain disruptions and ongoing global economic volatility could materially and adversely
            affect our future cash flows and ability to access capital from financial markets at acceptable pricing. If our liquidity and cash flows deteriorate
            significantly, it may adversely affect our ability to fund our strategy.
            If our key financial ratios and credit ratings are not maintained, our ability   •  long-term commodity price volatility and sustained low prices. For   Governance at BHP
            to fund current and future capital projects and acquisitions, cost of   example, a prolonged low oil price may result in write downs to our
            financing, solvency and our ability to return value to shareholders may   petroleum reserves, and a sustained decrease in the price of iron ore
            be impacted.                                        may have significant impacts on liquidity (in FY2020, 48 per cent of
            A number of risks across the Group Risk Architecture, including our   our revenue was derived from iron ore), as discussed further in the
                                                                Commodity prices risk factor
            principal risks, could adversely impact the Balance Sheet and liquidity
            to varying degrees should they occur and depending on their severity.   •  inability to sell our commodities (for example, caused by physical
            Examples of risks that may affect our short to medium-term cash flow   blockages of shipping lanes, closure of ports or land logistics, or other
            generation, profitability or the value of our assets (including reserves)   restrictions to trade, including as a result of tensions between a
            – and therefore the Balance Sheet and/or liquidity – include:  country where we operate or sell our products and other countries
                                                                with which BHP is connected, as discussed in the Geopolitics and
            •  a significant reduction in production at our assets caused by material   stakeholder relations risk factor)
              third party performance issues and operational disruptions due to the
              COVID-19 pandemic                                                                                     Remuneration Report
            The Financial Risk Management Committee (FRMC) oversees    •  monitor target gearing levels and credit rating metrics under a range
            the financial risks across our business and endorses or approves   of different stress test scenarios incorporating operational and
            financial risk management strategies, mandates and activities, including   macroeconomic factors
            those related to commodity, currency, credit and insurance markets.    •  assess cash flow at risk to monitor sensitivities to market prices and
            The role of the FRMC is described in sections 2.14 and 2.15. Note 22   their impact on key financial ratios
            ‘Financial risk management’ in section 5 outlines our financial risk   •  maintain target cash and liquidity buffers within ranges set by the
            management strategy.                                Board (which are designed to sustain BHP through periods where   Directors’ Report
            We seek to maintain a strong Balance Sheet supported by our portfolio   there is limited access to debt markets)
            risk management strategy. To achieve this, we:     •  operate within credit limits set by frameworks approved by the FRMC
            •  operate a diversified portfolio, which reduces overall cash flow volatility
            •  maintain access to key debt markets globally and a US$5.5 billion
              revolving credit facility (undrawn as at 30 June 2020)

            FY2020 insights
            The global economy has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Increased geopolitical uncertainty, including the impact on national economies
            and the speed at which they recover from the effects of the pandemic, has further weighed on the macroeconomic outlook. There is a risk of
            heightened fluctuations in commodity prices, operational or supply chain disruptions and ongoing global economic volatility, which could affect
            short to medium-term cash flow generation and profitability.                                            Financial Statements

                                                                                                                    Additional information

                                                                                               BHP Annual Report 2020  43  Shareholder information
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