Page 49 - Annual Report 2020
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Our people policies
We have a comprehensive set of frameworks that support our identify roles that meet their skills, experience and capability, Strategic Report
culture and drive our focus on safety and productivity. and offer retraining where required.
Our Charter is the foundation of everything we do. It describes our The Our Requirements standards outline the mandatory minimum
purpose, our values, how we measure our success, who we are, standards we expect of those who work for or on behalf of BHP.
what we do and what we stand for. Some of those standards relate to people activities, such as
Our Code of Conduct demonstrates how to practically apply the recruitment and talent retention.
commitments and values set out in Our Charter and reflects many Our all-employee share purchase plan, Shareplus, is available
of the standards and procedures we apply throughout BHP. We to all permanent full-time and part-time employees and those
have a business conduct advisory service as well as internal dispute on fixed-term contracts, except where local regulations limit
and grievance handling processes to report and address any operation of the scheme. In these instances, alternative Governance at BHP
potential breaches of Our Code of Conduct. arrangements are in place.
Through all of these documents, we make it clear that The information in this section illustrates how these policies
discrimination on any basis is not acceptable. In instances where have been implemented and the steps we take to measure
employees require support for a disability, we work with them to their effectiveness.
Case study:
Inclusion and diversity in our supply chain Remuneration Report
Directors’ Report
Partnering with our suppliers to support our commitment to • encouraging our supply partners to support greater diversity Financial Statements
inclusion and diversity is one of the four commitments that through ergonomic design and product development.
underpins our aspirational goal to reach gender balance by For example, working with manufacturers to make excavators
CY2025. Over the past three years, this commitment has and trucks more accessible and safer to use by a wide range
presented a huge opportunity to challenge ourselves, as well of people, as well as easier to maintain
Additional information
as more than 10,000 of our supply partners across 60 countries. • working closely with supply partners to make sure the clothes
With an annual spend of more than US$15.5 billion in FY2020, we wear at our operations, the food we eat and the camps
we continue to work in partnership with our supply partners we live in are more inclusive
to promote the values and standards of behaviour we’ve • introducing an online tool to our Australian supply partners
committed to in Our Charter and Our Code of Conduct, to allow BHP to collect and track local and Indigenous
and to follow the Our Requirements for Supply standards. procurement and diversity metrics. The data feeds into internal Shareholder information
We establish and foster supplier relationships based on and external reporting and tracks against contract incentives
and tender evaluation criteria. The metrics help recognise and
mutual commercial value built on foundations of long-lasting reward supply partners who have embedded BHP’s values and
partnerships. Through these partnerships, we make decisions are making a positive inclusion and diversity impact
that positively influence those around us, such as:
• providing support and incentives to encourage our More information on inclusion and diversity in our supply chain
contracting partners to increase the diversity of potential is available at
applicants for roles across BHP locations, who make
up approximately 60 per cent of our workforce
BHP Annual Report 2020 47