Page 47 - Annual Report 2020
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           Operations Services was created by BHP to provide permanent   Gender balance
           employment within BHP for roles undertaking maintenance and   We aim to achieve gender balance globally by CY2025. In FY2020,
           production execution services across Minerals Australia assets.   we increased the representation of women working at BHP by
           Operations Services supports people to build their skills through    2.0 per cent, resulting in 1,767 more female employees than at the
           a structured coaching and in-field verification process, designed    end of FY2019. Our overall representation of women is 26.5 per cent.  Strategic Report
           to enable operators and maintainers to achieve mastery within
           their roles. This helps deliver consistent equipment operation    We signed the CEO Statement of Support for the United Nations (UN)
           and maintenance that balances safety, maximum productivity    Women’s Empowerment Principles in FY2020 to strengthen our
           and equipment reliability.                          global commitment towards gender equality. The partnership with
                                                               UN Women and the UN Global Compact encourages business leaders
           We recognise government, industry and education stakeholders   to use seven principles as a guide for actions that advance and
           play important roles in helping us fulfil our skills requirements.    empower women in the workplace, marketplace and community.
           The Queensland Future Skills Partnership with TAFE Queensland
           and Central Queensland University has been established to fast   The percentage of people newly hired to work for BHP in FY2020   Governance at BHP
           track development of new autonomy skills. Our Minerals Americas   was 60.7 per cent male and 39.3 per cent female. This female
           team is partnering with the Industrial and Mining Training Centre    representation outcome is a marked increase compared to FY2015
           in Chile, initially established 24 years ago by Escondida, to deliver   (10.4 per cent female), the baseline for our aspirational goal.
           new technology skills and a pipeline of operators/maintainers who   Several of our operations and major capital projects have reported
           are new to mining, with a focus on increasing female participation   strong female representation with investment in entry-level
           in mining. We are working with the Minerals Council of Australia    programs. Operations Services, South Flank, Escondida, Olympic
           as a key stakeholder through which the Department of Education,   Dam and other operations increased their female representation
           Skills and Employment will engage with the mining sector to   with apprenticeship intakes to develop women and create new
           develop a new skills organisation. Some of our operated assets are   talent pools of females and diverse talent in entry-level roles as
           also partnering locally with external companies to deliver programs   operators, maintainers and others according to specific operational
           that prepare people who are new to mining with the skills they   needs where this diversity does not exist today. Escondida improved   Remuneration Report
           need to work in the mining industry.                female representation in FY2020 by 3.1 percentage points and hired
           Inclusion and diversity                             67 female apprentices in mine operations. Operations Services
           Inclusion and diversity promotes safety, productivity and wellbeing   increased female representation by 8.0 percentage points to
                                                               33.1 per cent in FY2020, including 82.9 per cent female apprentices
           of our workforce and underpins our ability to attract new employees.   and trainees, 266 females and 55 males.
           We employ, develop and promote based on people’s strengths and
           we do not tolerate any form of discrimination, bullying, harassment,   We also improved our representation of women in leadership
           exclusion or victimisation . Our systems, processes and practices   by 1.7 percentage points compared to FY2019, with 22.4 per cent
           are designed to support fair treatment for all.     female leaders.
           Our employees are trained to recognise and mitigate potential    To accelerate female representation, in FY2020 we:  Directors’ Report
           bias towards any employee and encouraged to speak up if they   •  improved employment branding that targets diverse audiences
           encounter behaviours that are inconsistent with our values and   about why they should join BHP
           expectations. To prevent gender pay disparities, we have taken   •  progressed market mapping to proactively target people or groups
           steps to reduce potential bias in recruitment and conduct an   of people not actively looking to work for BHP or our industry
           annual gender pay review, the results of which are reported    •  broadened our channels across social, digital and
           to the BHP Remuneration Committee.                   traditional media
           Respect is one of Our Charter values and we believe it is   •  enhanced our workforce development and retention through
           fundamental to building stronger teams and being an inclusive    coaching and support materials for leaders
           and diverse workplace. For some people, this has not been their   •  took further steps to uncover and remove barriers for women
           experience of working at BHP. We are determined to address this.   with the launch of the Women@BHP group on BHP’s social
           In FY2020, we continued our Respectful Behaviour campaign,   networking service and set clear expectations of leaders about   Financial Statements
           which builds awareness of what constitutes disrespectful   how to respond to Our Code of Conduct breaches relating
           behaviours in the workplace to generate conversation.    to sexual harassment
           We equipped leaders and employees with materials to help them
           have conversations about disrespectful behaviours and integrated   Indigenous employment
           those materials and concepts throughout our cultural tools and   We aim to provide employment opportunities in the communities
           programs (including BHP leadership programs, Leading Inclusion,   in which we operate that contribute to sustainable social and
           sexual harassment training, and Our Code of Conduct training).   economic benefits for Indigenous peoples. In Minerals Australia,
           We also started to assemble an internal working group in FY2020,   Indigenous employment within our employee and contractor
                                                               workforce increased from 5 per cent to 6.5 per cent (1,726
           to develop a holistic plan to address the controls and cultural   employees and 475 contractors), exceeding our target of
           enablers of sexual harassment and assault in the workplace.   5.75 per cent by the end of FY2020. There has been a 140 per    Additional information
           Our strategy to achieve a more diverse and inclusive workplace   cent (50 to 120) increase in Indigenous employees in supervisor,
           continues with focus on four areas:                 superintendent and manager roles since FY2017 through external
           •  embedding flexibility in the way we work         hiring and internal leadership development and career progression.
           •  encouraging and working with our supply chain partners    In North America, we have focused on working with our contracting
             to support our commitment to inclusion and diversity  partners to support the employment of First Nations and Métis
           •  uncovering and taking steps to mitigate potential bias    peoples, who now comprise 22 per cent of our workforce at the
             in our behaviours, systems, policies and processes  Jansen Potash Project, and our overall workforce including
                                                               employees comprising 15 per cent Indigenous people. In Chile,
           •  ensuring our brand is attractive to a diverse range of people  representation of Indigenous workers at our operations rose to
                                                               6.6 per cent in FY2020 (from 5.9 per cent in FY2019).   Shareholder information

           (1)  We promote a workplace that is free from discrimination based on personal attributes unrelated to job performance, such as race, age, ethnicity, nationality, gender
             identity, sexual orientation, intersex status, physical or mental disability, mental health condition, relationship status, religion, political opinion, industry/union
             affiliations, pregnancy, breastfeeding or family responsibilities. This is subject to BHP’s requirement to comply with local laws in the jurisdictions in which we operate.
           (2) Based on a ‘point in time’ snapshot of employees as at 30 June 2020, as used in internal management reporting for the purposes of monitoring progress against our
             goals. This does not include contractors. This methodology differs from the data reported in section 1.6.2, which is calculated based on the average of the number
             of employees at the last day of each calendar month for a 10-month period from July 2019 through to April 2020 and in accordance with our reporting requirement
             under the UK Companies Act 2006 which is then used to calculate a weighted average for the year to 30 June based on BHP ownership.
           (3) Based on a ‘point in time’ snapshot of employees and labour hire contractors as at 30 June 2020.

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