Page 327 - Annual Report 2020
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6.6.5 Water information – performance data

           This section provides detailed disclosure of our various water   FY2020 Withdrawals by asset (by source)
           metrics. All water performance data presented in this Report are                                         Strategic Report
           from operated assets during FY2020, and exclude Discontinued   Per million megalitres
           operations. (Onshore US assets).                    2.0
           Definitions of water metrics, sources and types is provided in
           sections 6.6 and 6.8.2.                             1.5
           BHP has continued to classify water quality into three categories
           in line with the Minerals Council of Australia’s Water Accounting   1.0
           Framework (WAF) as this provides more granularity. Type 1 and
           Type 2 equate to high-quality water, while Type 3 equates    5
           to low-quality water under the International Council on Mining
           and Metals (ICMM) Guidelines.                                                                            Governance at BHP
           Water withdrawals                                    0
           Water withdrawals represent the volume of water, in megalitres   Escondida  Iron Ore  Petroleum  (BMA/BMC)  Nickel West  Pampa Norte  Legacy sites
           (ML) received and intended for use by the operated asset from    Western Australia  Queensland Coal  Olympic Dam  NSW Energy Coal  Potash Canada
           the water environment and/or a third party supplier.  (1)
           FY2017 – FY2020 withdrawals (by source)                ● Seawater    ● Surface water    ● Groundwater
           Per million megalitres
                                                               Water withdrawals for FY2020 across our operations increased
           4.0                                                 by 8 per cent from FY2019 (from 352,950 ML to 380,330 ML), due
                                                               primarily to increased use at Escondida. Minor increases at other
           3.2                     ● Seawater                  assets (e.g. Olympic Dam) were offset by a decrease in withdrawal   Remuneration Report
                                   ● Groundwater               at our Queensland Coal operated assets due to lower than average
           2.4                     ● Surface water             rainfall in the region. Despite the increase in water withdrawal, our
                                                               withdrawal of high-quality (Type 1) water reduced from 58,850 ML
                                                               in FY2019 to 51,610 ML.
                                                               The majority of our water withdrawals now come from seawater.
                                                               Escondida stopped drawing groundwater from the Monturaqui
                                                               borefield in the second half of FY2020 and water for operational
                                                               purposes is now supplied entirely by desalinated seawater, other
            0                                                  than small quantities of groundwater extracted for pit dewatering   Directors’ Report
                 2017  2018  2019  2020                        to allow safe mining. The proportion of withdrawals relating to
                                                               groundwater across BHP reduced from 40 per cent in FY2019
           FY2017 – FY2020 withdrawals (by quality)            to 33 per cent in FY2020, and is expected to reduce further when
                                                               the effect of Escondida’s cessation of groundwater extraction from
           Per million megalitres
                                                               the Andean aquifers is seen over a full year. WAIO and Queensland
           4.0                                                 Coal account for more than 50 per cent of terrestrial water
                                                               withdrawal across our business. All of the WAIO withdrawals are
           3.2                     ● Type 3                    from groundwater. Queensland Coal draws from a mix of surface
                                                               water (collected rainfall runoff represents approximately 75 per cent
                                   ● Type 2                    of surface water withdrawal) and groundwater. Due to ongoing
           2.4                     ● Type 1                    improvement in our water data, it was identified that water
                                                               extracted during the petroleum production process to access   Financial Statements
            1.6                                                hydrocarbon products should be classified as groundwater
                                                               withdrawal under the ICMM and WAF guidance. Prior to FY2019,
            8                                                  this was reported as seawater withdrawal.
                                                               Freshwater  withdrawal decreased 18 per cent in FY2020
            0                                                  compared to FY2019 and 19 per cent compared to our FY2017
                 2017  2018  2019  2020                        baseline. This was primarily due to the early cessation of   6
                                                               groundwater extraction at Escondida. The withdrawals, and
                                                               the material contributors to these, were within expectations for
                                                               FY2020 and in line with our ambition to minimise our withdrawal
                                                               of high-quality fresh water and replace these with seawater/
                                                               low-quality withdrawals where feasible. As the results are within
                                                               expectations, there is no implications for current commitments,   Additional information
                                                               strategy and costs for the business with respect to water
                                                               withdrawals. For more information on freshwater withdrawal,
                                                               refer to section 1.7.6.

           (1)  Volumes of withdrawal by source have been updated for FY2019, FY2018 and FY2017 for the Nickel West, Kwinana operated asset. Previously the total volumes    Shareholder information
             of water supplied to the site by third party, Water Corporation, was proportionately to source in alignment with the public information (48 per cent from seawater,
             42 per cent from groundwater and 10 per cent from surface water). In FY2020, Water Corporation supplied BHP site specific proportions of water sources for our
             Kwinana operations for the FY2017 to FY2020 period.
           (2) ‘Freshwater’ is defined as waters other than seawater, wastewater from third parties and hypersaline ground water. Freshwater withdrawal also excludes entrained
             water that would not be available for other uses. These exclusions have been made to align with the target’s intent to reduce the use of freshwater sources of potential
             value to other users or the environment.

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