Page 329 - Annual Report 2020
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Water consumption                                   Entrainment may show variability due to the type and location
           Prior to FY2019, water consumption was included within the   of ore during any given reporting period. The category of ‘other’
           reporting of water outputs. In the ICMM Guidelines, consumption   for consumption includes water consumed, for example as a result
           (the volume of water used by the operated asset and not returned   of potable water consumption at operated assets.   Strategic Report
           to the water environment or a third party) is a separate reporting   The increased focus on consumption will assist with increased
           category. Available data for evaporation and entrainment from the   and improved data accuracy for entrainment and evaporation,
           FY2017 and FY2018 reporting periods was moved to the consumption   and assist with identifying opportunities to reduce, where possible,
           category from FY2019 in order to allow representative year-on-year   losses such as those associated with evaporation.
           comparisons. This data is shown in section 6.6.3.   The operated assets in FY2020 that consumed the most water
           In FY2020, evaporation and entrainment were the most significant   were Escondida, WAIO and Queensland Coal. Entrainment of water
           contributors to consumption, representing more than 91 per cent    in tailings is the largest contributor to consumption at Escondida,
           of total consumption, slightly less than in FY2019 due to a reduction   whereas evaporation is the key driver of consumption at WAIO and
           in evaporation.                                     Queensland Coal. It should be noted that in any given reporting
           Evaporation consumption is inherently linked with climatic   period, consumption and discharges volumes might be higher than   Governance at BHP
           conditions during the reporting period. Evaporation data is   withdrawals as evaporation can occur from water that has been
           estimated or simulated using average climatic conditions and   captured and stored during previous periods.
           therefore consumption due to evaporation should remain relatively   FY2020 Consumption by asset
           stable but may vary due to climatic conditions outside of BHP’s
           control. The Minerals Council of Australia has indicated there will   Per million megalitres
           be some updates in the WAF guidance with respect to reporting    1.0
           of evaporation. The new guidance states that evaporation should
           be reported by source water quality type (instead of as Type 1).    8
           This change is to better align the WAF with other global water
           metrics. Classifying the quality of evaporated water by the source   6
           water quality allows the consumptive use of lower-quality water                                          Remuneration Report
           to be better represented in the water account. BHP has reported   4
           evaporation in line with this intended update to the WAF.
                                                                    Escondida  Western Australia  Iron Ore  Queensland Coal  (BMA/BMC)  Nickel West  Olympic Dam  Pampa Norte  NSW Energy Coal  Legacy sites  Petroleum  Potash Canada

                                                                  ● Evaporation    ● Entrainment    ● Other         Directors’ Report

                                                                                                                    Financial Statements


                                                                                                                    Additional information

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