Page 319 - Annual Report 2020
P. 319

Designated Protected Areas (DPAs) were identified by reference to the World Database on Protected Areas, IUCN Red List of Threatened
 Species, and the World Database of Key Biodiversity Areas, which we access via the Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT)
 through our by Proteus partnership. The result reported is as at 30 June of the year of reporting. Analysis was undertaken utilising ArcGIS
 by identifying all tenure that overlaps with, or occurs within 500 metres, a designated protected area (DPA) or key biodiversity area (KBA).   Strategic Report
 Operated assets were defined as sites for which current, future or historic activities have been undertaken and where a revenue has been
 received by BHP for these activities. Exploration activities are not to be included unless future operations have been announced, i.e.
 permits have been received from mining operations. ‘Land managed areas’ are included in this assessment. DPAs and KBAs are only
 included if they are listed at an international or national level.
 Operated assets owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas
 Note the following:
 •  Sites only included that are listed at an international or national level.
 •  Extractive defined as mining, exploration, closure activities relating to mining, including transportation. Manufacturing/production
 includes pastoral activities, refineries and other locations where products are made. Some operated assets may include both,
 but for purposes of disclosure refers to the activity that has the highest operational footprint.                  Governance at BHP
 •  In the Area = The entire operated asset occurs within the DPA/HBVA boundary or the entire DPA/HBVA site occurs within the boundary
 of the operated asset. Adjacent to = The operated asset occurs within 500 metres of the boundary. Contains portions of = The operated
 asset contains some but not all of the DPA/HBVA site or the DPA/HBVA site contains some but not all of the operated asset.
 •  Data obtained for this table from the Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT).
                                      Position of owned, leased  For DPA – Basis
 Operated asset   Biodiversity Area   or managed land relative  of recognition                   For HBVA – Basis
 Country/Region  Commodity  Operated asset   size (km )  Type of Operated asset  Classification  Habitat Type  Area Name  to DPA or HBVA  (i.e. protected status)  DPA Designation Type  IUCN Category  of recognition
 Queensland  Coal  BMA  1263  Extractive  DPA  Maritime  Great Barrier Reef   Contains portions of  World Database on   International  NA     Remuneration Report
                       World Heritage Area            Protected Areas
 Queensland  Coal  BMA  1263  Extractive  DPA  Terrestrial  Norwich Park  Adjacent to  Nature Refuge  National  VI   
 Queensland  Coal  BMA  880  Manufacturing/production  Designated   Terrestrial  Norwich Park   Contains portions of  Nature Refuge  National  VI   
 Protected Area
 Queensland  Coal  BMA  1263  Extractive  DPA  Terrestrial  Blackwater   Adjacent to  Conservation Park  National  III   
 Queensland  Coal  BMA  880  Manufacturing/production  DPA  Terrestrial  Kenmare   Adjacent to  National Park   National  VI   
 Queensland  Coal  BMC  349  Extractive  DPA  Terrestrial  Dipperu   Adjacent to  National Park  National  Ia   
 South Australia  Copper, uranium, gold, silver  Olympic Dam  21889  Manufacturing/production  HBVA  Terrestrial  Lake Eyre  Adjacent to           IBA – migratory birds/  Directors’ Report
 South Australia  Copper, uranium, gold, silver  Olympic Dam  21889  Manufacturing/production  HBVA  Terrestrial  Strezelecki Desert   Adjacent to           IBA – endemic,
                       Lakes                                                                     migratory birds/
                                                                                                 congregations, other
 South Australia  Copper, uranium, gold, silver  Olympic Dam   21889  Manufacturing/production  HBVA  Terrestrial  Lake Torrens  Contains portions of           IBA – migratory birds/
 South Australia  Copper, uranium, gold, silver  Olympic Dam   21889  Manufacturing/production  HBVA  Terrestrial  Arcoona Lakes   Contains portions of           IBA – migratory birds/
 South Australia  Copper, uranium, gold, silver  Olympic Dam  21889  Manufacturing/production  DPA  Terrestrial  Witchelina Nature   Adjacent to  Heritage Agreement  National  Ia   
                       Reserve                                                                                      Financial Statements
 South Australia  Copper, uranium, gold, silver  Olympic Dam   21889  Manufacturing/production  DPA  Terrestrial  Lake Torrens National  Contains portions of  National Park  National  VI   
 South Australia  Copper, uranium, gold, silver  Olympic Dam   21889  Manufacturing/production  DPA  Terrestrial  Strezelecki Regional   Adjacent to  Regional Reserve  National  VI   
 South Australia  Copper, uranium, gold, silver  Olympic Dam  21889  Manufacturing/production  DPA  Terrestrial  Elliot Price   Adjacent to  Conservation Park  National  Ia   
                       Conservation Park                                                                           6
 South Australia  Copper, uranium, gold, silver  Olympic Dam   21889  Manufacturing/production  DPA  Terrestrial  Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre Adjacent to  National Park  National  VI   
 South Australia  Copper, uranium, gold, silver  Olympic Dam   21889  Manufacturing/production  DPA  Terrestrial  Wabma Kadarbu   Adjacent to  Conservation Park  National  III   
                       Mound Springs
 South Australia  Copper, uranium, gold, silver  Olympic Dam  21889  Manufacturing/production  DPA  Freshwater  Coongie Lakes  Contains portions of  Ramsar Site, Wetland  International  Not Reported   
                                                      of International                                              Additional information
 South Australia  Copper, uranium, gold, silver  Olympic Dam   21889  Manufacturing/production  DPA  Terrestrial  Unnamed (No.  In the Area  Heritage Agreement  National  III   
 South Australia  Copper, uranium, gold, silver  Olympic Dam   21889  Manufacturing/production  DPA  Terrestrial  Unnamed (No.  Adjacent to  Heritage Agreement  National  III   
 Western Australia  Nickel   NiW  5414  Manufacturing/production  DPA  Terrestrial  Wanjarri  Adjacent to  Nature Reserve  National  Ia   
 Western Australia  Nickel   NiW  1384  Extractive  DPA  Terrestrial  Wanjarri  Adjacent to  Nature Reserve  National  Ia   
 Western Australia  Nickel   NiW  5414  Manufacturing/production  DPA  Terrestrial  Kambalda  Adjacent to  Nature Reserve  National  Ia     Shareholder information
 Western Australia  Nickel   NiW  5414  Manufacturing/production  DPA  Terrestrial  Dordie Rocks  Adjacent to  Nature Reserve  National  II   
 Western Australia  Nickel   NiW  5414  Manufacturing/production  DPA  Terrestrial  Leda  Adjacent to  Nature Reserve  National  Ia   
 Western Australia  Nickel   NiW  5414  Manufacturing/production  DPA  Terrestrial  Unnamed WA51658  Adjacent to  5(1)(h) Reserve  National  II   
 Western Australia  Iron ore  WAIO  3667  Extractive  DPA  Terrestrial  Karijini  Adjacent to  National Park  National  II   

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