Page 8 - Inclusion and diversity – Partnering for change
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Our inclusion and diversity story so far
The resources industry has We developed a global inclusion Since we announced our
historically attracted and hired an and diversity strategy to support aspirational goal, our most
overwhelmingly male dominated the goal, with four commitments: inclusive and diverse teams
workforce for work often seen Embedding flexible working; are already outperforming other
as physically demanding and enabling our supply chain teams on safety, culture and
geographically remote. partners; uncovering and taking productivity. The goal is only
steps to mitigate potential bias; one part of this equation, but it’s
Over the past decade, BHP, and ensuring our brand and critical. It has provided, and will
like many organisations, has industry are attractive to a diverse continue to provide, enormous
recognised the value of a more range of people. Our sites and business and community benefits.
inclusive and diverse workforce. offices around the globe also
This includes greater innovation, created Inclusion and Diversity Of course, diversity is much more
better risk management, higher Councils and developed actionable than gender. It’s a recognition
workforce engagement and plans aligned to these focus areas. of our individual differences
productivity, and stronger including thinking styles, life and
financial results. We also have a global Indigenous work experiences, ethnicity, race,
Peoples strategy, which is religion, sexual orientation, ability
To accelerate our efforts, in 2016 delivered through region-specific or disability, family and social
we announced a bold aspirational Indigenous Peoples plans. The circumstances, and age.
goal to reach gender balance strategy is based on the four
by 2025, to better reflect the pillars of governance, economic There’s still a long way to go to
communities where we operate empowerment, social and cultural achieve our aspirations, but we’re
and to leave a positive legacy support, and public engagement. excited about the future.
for generations to come.
Read more about what
we’re doing on
BHP Inclusion and diversity – Partnering for change 6 February 2020