Page 6 - Inclusion and diversity – Partnering for change
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About Partnering for change
“Encouraging and working
with our supply chain partners
to support our commitment
to inclusion and diversity.”
BHP’s inclusion and diversity commitment
When BHP set an aspirational goal We wanted to document this
to reach gender balance by 2025, progress in a collection of open
it raised a number of questions and honest stories that recognise
– from crib rooms on site, to what’s possible when like-minded
corporate meeting rooms, as well companies come together to
as across the resources industry create change for the better.
around the world. We also want to share these
unique experiences with other
More than three years on, many organisations in similar situations.
important conversations have There’s no better way to tell these
since taken place about how we stories than through the eyes
can attract more women into the of our trusted partners and
resources industry, as well as how our people.
we can become more inclusive
and diverse in all areas.
Our inclusion and diversity
commitments on page seven
have presented not only a huge
opportunity for us to improve and
challenge ourselves, but also for
our suppliers and other partners
to influence bigger inclusion
and diversity changes at their
companies too.
BHP Inclusion and diversity – Partnering for change 4 February 2020