Page 18 - BHP Economic Contribution Report 2020
P. 18

Approach to transparency and tax continued

          Assurance regimes and relationships                Tax agreements
          with tax authorities                               As part of our commitment to corporate citizenship, we seek

          BHP has an extensive set of systems and controls in place to   to enter into agreements with revenue authorities about the
                                                             amount of tax we should pay on our activities, in particular,
          manage our material and non-material risks. To address the risk   on the pricing of intra-group transactions. This gives us greater
          of material financial misstatement and to meet the legislative   certainty about our future tax payments and reduces the risk
          and regulatory requirements governing the internal controls   of tax disputes with tax authorities.
          over financial and other reporting in the countries in which
          we operate, we have an internal control evaluation program.  In relation to the pricing of our intra-group service charges,
                                                             as noted earlier in the Intra-group administration and technology
          Each control is assessed annually to ensure it is designed   section, the ATO and each of HMRC in the United Kingdom
          appropriately to manage the risk. The controls are also subject   and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the United States
          to a regular verification process to ensure they are operating   have agreed to the pricing of these charges as part of bilateral
          effectively. Each year, all material risks are assessed on the    advance pricing arrangements. We also entered into an
          basis of the effectiveness of their controls and given a rating,   agreement with the ATO in November 2018 in relation to the
          which is reported to senior management and to the Risk and   Australian taxation treatment of our Sales and Marketing
          Audit Committee of the Board. The internal control evaluation   business as part of the resolution of the long-standing transfer
          program also provides an annual external assessment of    pricing dispute with the ATO in FY2019 (refer to the earlier
          the effectiveness of internal controls over financial reporting,    Our Sales and Marketing business section).
          which is published in our Form 20-F filed annually with
          the Securities Exchange Commission in the United States.    Tax incentives
          For more information on our internal control evaluation   We have been granted tax incentives in some countries in which
          program, refer to ‘Our tax strategy’ on our website at  we operate. Where tax incentives are legislated and open to all
          In addition, tax authorities conduct assurance on our tax    qualifying taxpayers, we will accept them.
          affairs in a number of different jurisdictions around the    The criteria that apply to such incentives generally include
          world. As part of our commitment to corporate citizenship,    demonstration of a significant contribution to the local economy
          we maintain positive and sustainable relationships with    through a range of qualitative and quantitative measures, such
          those authorities and seek to identify and, where possible,   as local employment, investment and ongoing expenditures.
          resolve any disagreements on a timely basis.       In FY2020, the incentives that applied to BHP were in Singapore
          Our risk ratings in the United Kingdom and Australia reflect    and the Philippines. In Singapore, we were granted incentives
          our size and complexity; our conservative approach to tax,    exempting us from paying income tax on the profit from
          in particular, not engaging in aggressive tax planning;    qualifying sales and marketing activities (refer to the earlier
          and our openness and transparency in our dealings with   Our Sales and Marketing business section) and on profit from
          revenue authorities.                               qualifying shipping operations (approximately US$20 million
          In Australia, we have a Key Taxpayer risk rating. This risk rating   profit in FY2020) until 30 June 2021 under the Maritime
          reflects a lower risk level relative to other top 100 taxpayers,   Sector Incentive – Approved International Shipping (MSI-AIS)
          and an ongoing proactive and transparent engagement with   Enterprise status. In the Philippines, we were granted an
          the ATO. This is the lowest risk rating BHP can achieve as a top   income tax holiday under a Registration Agreement with the
          100 taxpayer.                                      Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA), which expires in
                                                             November 2021. Our income in the Philippines was US$26
          BHP is part of the Key Taxpayer Engagement (KTE) approach   million in FY2020 derived from the operation of our shared
          being rolled out by the ATO. KTE is a continuous whole-of-tax   Global Asset Services Centre. We also operate a shared Global
          approach being put in place with 100 of the largest public   Asset Services Centre in Malaysia, where we were previously
          businesses in Australia. Additionally, like all large taxpayers    granted an income tax incentive. This incentive expired in
          in Australia, we are currently part of the ATO’s ‘justified trust’   September 2018 and the income derived in Malaysia is now
          program. Under this program, the ATO is seeking to obtain   subject to tax at the Malaysian corporate tax rate.
          greater assurance that large corporates are paying the ‘right’
          amount of tax in accordance with taxation laws. The ATO
          has issued to BHP a Tax Assurance Report for FY2016,
          FY2017 and most recently FY2018.
          We received an overall provisional ‘High’ level of assurance
          for FY2018.
          Similarly, the business risk review rating given to BHP by
          Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) in the United
          Kingdom includes ‘inherent moderate risk’ factors and
          behavioural ‘low-risk’ factors.

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