Page 14 - BHP Economic Contribution Report 2020
P. 14

Approach to transparency and tax continued

          Tax policy                                         Low-tax jurisdictions
          Tax systems should balance the need for appropriate returns to   We locate our business activities where value is created and
          governments with incentivising investment (which in turn benefits   do not engage in aggressive tax planning.
          the community).                                    In classifying which of our subsidiary companies are located
                                                             in low-tax jurisdictions, we have applied the EU list of
                                                             non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes, which the
           In order to attract investment, tax systems should    EU first issued in December 2017. Countries were assessed
               be internationally competitive and stable.    against agreed criteria for good governance, consistent
                                                             with the standards of the EU member states. These criteria
          Key factors influencing the international competitiveness    relate to tax transparency, fair taxation, implementation
          of a country’s tax regime are the corporate tax rate and the    of OECD base erosion and profit shifting measures and entity
          mix of taxes imposed. After returning excess cash to our   substance requirements. The EU has published a list of
          shareholders in the form of dividends or share buy-backs and   ‘non-cooperative’ jurisdictions and a ‘watch list’ of jurisdictions
          ensuring that our balance sheet is strong, we invest back into   that have committed to address deficiencies in their tax
          our business. When we assess which projects we will invest our   governance. The EU reviews the lists at least yearly.
          capital in, tax competitiveness is an important consideration.   We have six subsidiary companies in countries on the EU’s
          We have global competition for limited capital across our    ‘non-cooperative’ list. Details of each of these subsidiaries,
          many investment options around the world: when taxes are   including FY2020 profits/(losses), are included in the table
          lower in one country compared to others, all other things    on the following page. One entity, BHP (Trinidad-3A) Limited,
          being equal, we will invest in that country.       is incorporated in Trinidad and Tobago, and holds an
          Consequently, given the global reduction in corporate tax    undeveloped offshore petroleum block in Trinidad with
          rates across OECD countries, it may be challenging for   declared oil and gas reserves. The remaining subsidiaries
          countries that retain comparatively high corporate tax rates   were acquired for a variety of reasons, such as being part
          (such as Australia) to remain internationally competitive    of a historical acquisition. Close to 100 per cent of the
          in attracting capital.                             income of two of these remaining companies is taxed
                                                             in another jurisdiction (Peru or the United States).
          In addition, for a business such as ours, which invests over
          generations, we want to know the returns we will realise    We have one subsidiary company in a country on the
          in 10, 20 or 30 years’ time will be commensurate with the    EU’s ‘watch list’ other than Australia. The entity, BHP
          risks we take in investing our shareholders’ money now.  (Trinidad) Holdings Ltd, is incorporated in Saint Lucia
                                                             as a holding company. In addition, all of the subsidiary
          Our assessment of the stability of tax regimes is a critical    companies of BHP are subject to the controlled foreign
          factor in assessing the risks associated with particular projects.   company tax rules of either Australia or the United Kingdom.
          Accordingly, we continue to support the work being undertaken
          by the OECD to explore a global solution to address the tax   Australia was added to the EU’s ‘watch list’ in 2019 due to its
          challenges of the digitalisation of the economy. Consistent    Offshore Banking Unit (OBU) regime. We have a significant
          with our tax principles, we advocate that the taxing rights of   number of entities incorporated in Australia, all of which are
          countries should be commensurate with where the economic   subject to tax at the normal corporate tax rate of 30 per cent.
          activity occurs. For BHP and the extractive industry, the right to   None of these entities benefit from Australia’s OBU regime.
          extract commodities is inherently and substantially connected   Given the number of our Australian entities and the Group’s
          to the country in which the commodities are located. We will   Australian adjusted effective tax rate in FY2020 was 31.7 per
          continue to contribute to the development of a solution that   cent, we have not disclosed our Australian subsidiaries in
          provides certainty and transparency on the taxing rights of   this section.
          profits associated with the extraction, sales and marketing of   We disclose all of our subsidiary companies, including our
          commodities, and one that provides for a globally competitive   Australian companies, in our Financial Statements within
          tax system that supports economic growth and long-term   our Annual Report.
          sustainable tax contributions. We engage in the reform process
          of international tax rules and local tax rules in the jurisdictions
          in which we operate. We primarily do this by engaging on
          taxation policy and reform matters through a number of global
          industry and local associations, including the Business Council
          of Australia, Minerals Council of Australia, Australian Petroleum
          Production and Exploration Association, American Petroleum
          Institute, Consejo Minero, American Chamber of Commerce
          and the International Council on Mining and Metals.

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