Page 11 - BHP Economic Contribution Report 2020
P. 11

Approach to transparency and tax

           Our tax principles                                                                                       Our contribution
           Our Charter and Our Code of Conduct (Our Code) define    Our approach to tax is underpinned by Our Charter and
           how we work at BHP. Our Charter describes our purpose and   Our Code, and is embodied in our global tax principles.
           values and how we measure our success. It is the single most   The Risk and Audit Committee of the BHP Board endorsed
           important means by which we communicate who we are,    these principles and in FY2020, we conducted assurance
           what we do and what we stand for, and is the basis for our   that we have adhered to our tax principles.
           decision-making. Supporting Our Charter is Our Code, which   The six principles set out below govern our global approach
           helps guide our daily work. It demonstrates how we practically   to tax:                                 Our approach
           apply the commitments and values set out in Our Charter.

                  1           We are transparent about the taxes and royalties that we pay to governments because we believe that
                              openness allows our shareholders, employees, contractors, partners, customers and communities
              Transparency    to understand the contribution we make and have a greater ability to assess the integrity of the tax   Our payments
                              systems in the countries in which we operate.

                  2           We act with integrity when engaging with revenue authorities to support positive and sustainable
                              relationships. Where possible, for the purposes of obtaining certainty of our tax positions, we engage
               Corporate      with revenue authorities on a real-time basis regarding the application of the tax law and to identify
               citizenship    and resolve any disagreements on a timely basis.                                      Additional information

                  3           We are committed to strong governance. We seek to identify, assess, control and report tax risks in

            Risk management    accordance with our global Risk Framework. Risks identified as material are reported to the Risk and
             and governance   Audit Committee. Further information is provided on the following page.

                  4           Our transactions have proper commercial purposes and economic rationale. We locate business

                Business      activities where value is optimally created. We seek to have a tax charge that contributes to superior
                              business performance and delivers long-term shareholder value. Accordingly, we do not engage
                rationale     in aggressive tax planning.

                  5           We respect and comply with the laws of the jurisdictions in which we operate. We meet all of our tax
                              compliance obligations on time. Our tax obligations include pricing transactions in our global value
               Compliance     chain according to where value is created, and economic activity occurs, in compliance with the
                              Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) guidelines, and based on the
                              arm’s length principle.

                  6           We support simple, stable and competitive tax rules and the principle that the taxing rights of countries
                              should be commensurate with where the economic activity occurs. We engage in the reform process
               Advocating     of international tax rules (including transfer pricing) and local tax rules in the jurisdictions in which we
                 reform       operate. We do this because we believe that tax systems should be effective, efficient and competitive,
                              in order to support economic growth, job creation and long-term sustainable tax contributions.

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