Page 23 - 2021 BHP Foundation Strategy And Impact Booklet
P. 23
A Snapshot from Our Portfolio 23
Transforming education through Building a global evidence Leadership and global learning
family engagement ecosystem for teaching for community impact
Through this Project focused on family- Each year millions of dollars are spent Since 2018, our global partnership
school collaboration, the Center for on education research, yet the results with Teach For All is building the
Universal Education at Brookings aims rarely find their way into classroom capacity of community leaders
to help transform education to better practice where they can transform to enhance local educational
provide all young people with the teaching and learning and improve opportunities.
skills needed to thrive in work, life, attainment. The Education Endowment
and citizenship in the 21st century. Foundation (EEF) has been tackling Throughout the COVID-19 crisis,
this issue in England for ten years, this global community of teachers,
One critical aspect is the need for supported by EEF’s Teaching and educators and leaders has helped
families and schools to develop a Learning Toolkit – a free summary ensure children in communities
shared understanding about what of the best international evidence on hardest hit by the pandemic are
a good quality education looks like, teaching for time-poor teachers and safe and continuing to learn through
as research indicates schools with senior leaders. documenting and sharing more
strong family engagement are ten times than 50 examples of transformative
more likely to improve student learning With 70% of secondary school leaders initiatives to sustain learning at the
outcomes. After interviews and surveys in England using the Toolkit to inform community level in a COVID-19 world.
with 25,000 parents, 6,000 teachers, their decision-making, we saw the At a global level, more than 1,000
and 50 partners from around the world, opportunity to support EEF to test this teachers leveraged WhatsApp groups
the Project published a playbook with model internationally to increase the to self-organize into the Teaching
evidence-based strategies and other volume, quality, and use of evidence Without Internet Alliance sharing
hands-on tools that school leaders and so leading to better decisions in stories, strategies, and resources.
and their partners can adapt in their schools and better learning outcomes In Nigeria, a teacher reached
local contexts to leapfrog education for students globally. Over the past millions of students via a program
inequality. three years, EEF’s Teaching and of lessons delivered online and
Learning Toolkit has become the through television. In Pakistan, a
largest education evidence database teacher created a learning program
in the world and has been delivered via SMS, WhatsApp and
contextualized and translated for physical learning packages. To
teachers in Latin America, Australia, enable this, the teacher mobilized a
Spain, and the Middle East. More network of neighbors, shopkeepers
recently, the Toolkit has been used in and community leaders to support
Belgium and The Netherlands to inform students by lending phones or serving
government and school spending as a central ‘pick up’ location.
decisions in relation to COVID-19
education recovery.
Teach For All, Nigeria