Page 28 - 2021 BHP Foundation Strategy And Impact Booklet
P. 28

28   BHP Foundation

        Canada                                                                                                                   United States

         Poor water governance is one            Research tells us there is a direct                                            In response to the mounting global
         of the most critical challenges         relationship between language,                                                 challenges being placed on water
         for sustainable water management        cultural identity, wellbeing and                                               demand and water supply, the
         in Canada. As water does not            self-determination. By harnessing                                              Foundation is supporting efforts
         respect jurisdictional boundaries,      the enabling role of language and                                              for advancing water stewardship
         governance structures and               cultural identity we seek to empower                                           through improved governance and
         collaboration are critical to effective   Indigenous youth to reach their                                              management and by generating
         management. Threats including           potential.                                                                     greater awareness of efforts to
         pollution, overuse, habitat loss                                                                                       advance water management in the
         and fragmentation, and alteration                                                                                      United States. Together these will
         of flow have the potential to                                                                                          lead to more effective decision-
         significantly impact the health                                                                                        making and the development of
         of Canada’s watersheds, and the                                                                                        practical solutions.
         communities and economies that
         depend on them.

      Projects                                                                                                                  Project

               Transformative Governance:              Indigenous Language                                                                 Internet of Water
               Collaborative Leadership Initiative     Revitalization Project                                                              To enable adaptive and effective
               To advance reconciliation and           Providing support for Indigenous                                                    responses to profound water
               enhance water sustainability, this      communities in building capacity                                                    challenges across the United
               project seeks to implement and          to successfully carry out their own                                                 States, this Project aims to
               embed a process for reconciliation-     language revitalization efforts.                                                    modernize public water data
               based collaborative governance                                                                                              infrastructure, unlocking the
               that will transform community-          The goal of this initiative is to create                                            potential of this data and
               driven decision making between          a future where Indigenous languages                                                 empowering decision-makers
               Indigenous and municipal leaders        are spoken in all aspects of life                                                   and communities to generate
               in watersheds across Canada.            including the home, in schools                                                      insights, inform decision-
                                                       and institutions, workplaces and                                                    making, and inspire innovative
                                                       on the land.                                                                        solutions.
               Mainstreaming Natural
               A multi-jurisdictional integrated
               watershed program to enable and
               connect watershed organizations,
               local governments, and relevant
               market and policy systems in the
               application of Natural Infrastructure
               solutions throughout the Canadian
               Prairies to meet water-related needs
               and build long-term resilience.
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