Page 27 - 2021 BHP Foundation Strategy And Impact Booklet
P. 27


        Chile - Projects                         Ayllu Solar                             Nuestra Voz

                                                 Since 2015, our partnership with SERC   The BHP Foundation supports two
                   Digital Education Network     Chile (a Solar Energy Research Center   initiatives in Chile (Nuestra Voz
                   Collaboration across six local
                   institutions to ensure the continuity   created by Chile’s National Science and   and Enabling Social Dialogue for
                   of learning during the pandemic   Technology Commission) has created   Conflict Resolution) to promote social
                   and transform the future of Chilean   economic opportunities for farmers   participation and dialogue to address
                   education through technology,   in Chile’s remote Arica and Parinacota   the root causes of the 2019 social unrest.
                   innovative tools, addressing    region, helping them deliver their own   Our aim is to enhance the ability of
                   socio-emotional skills, and
                   retaining a gender perspective  sustainable solar energy solutions. By   citizens to participate in decision-making
                                                 harnessing the power of the sun they    and enable more effective dialogue and
                                                 have established previously unimaginable   participation mechanisms to strengthen
                   IdeoDigital                   community enterprises including a tomato   democracy and contribute to a more
                   Promote the teaching of computer   dehydrating plant, a processing facility for   cohesive and respectful society.
                   science in the Chilean public   camelid fibre, and a plant for river shrimp
                   system to equip students with    farming – all 100% powered by solar   Nuestra Voz (Our Voice), was born
                   the skills required to progress                                       from a conviction that the views and
                   in a digital world.           energy.
                                                                                         priorities of women should be far more
                                                 The Project has had a positive impact on   visible to decision makers and an integral
                   Ayllu Solar                   the environment and provided sustainable   part of the solution for the country
                   Enable local Indigenous       development opportunities for local and   to meet the challenges ahead. So far,
                   communities to harness the    Indigenous communities. These include   the views of 16,000 Chilean women have
                   power of solar energy and create   hosting training sessions for over 2,000   been captured through digital platforms,
                   opportunities for social and   participants, developing 120 free online   analyzed and incorporated
                   economic development.
                                                 information guides, and establishing a   into discussions around the country’s new
                                                 Solar Schools Network with 40 schools   Constitution.
                   Nuestra Voz (Our Voice)       and more than 1,350 students.
                   Bring greater visibility and                                          Led by the Kodea Foundation,
                   awareness to the views and    These proven sustainable models can     the outcomes from this initiative are
                   priorities of Chilean women to   be scaled across the region, Chile   being amplified giving Chilean society
                   inform how the country addresses   and neighboring countries with the   access to data on women’s views on
                   current and future challenges.   potential to improve quality of life in local   the major issues under deliberation. It
                                                 communities.                            also demonstrates how technology can
                   Tiempos de Dialogo                                                    help strengthen citizen participation and
                   (Times of Dialogue)                                                   democracy.
                   Responding to the 2019 social
                   crisis in Chile, this initiative
                   develops tools and creates spaces
                   to enable dialogue as a peaceful
                   means to approach conflict
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