Page 26 - 2021 BHP Foundation Strategy And Impact Booklet
P. 26

26   BHP Foundation

        Australia - Projects                     Narragunnawali:                         Indigenous STEM
                                                 Reconciliation in Education             Education Project
                 Indigenous Governance           A program fostering a high level        In partnership with Australia’s CSIRO,
                 Seeking to progress reconciliation   of knowledge and pride in deeper   a culturally appropriate STEM Education
                 by recognizing, supporting and
                 celebrating strong Aboriginal and   understanding of Aboriginal and Torres   Project has engaged 23,900 Indigenous
                 Torres Strait Islander governance    Strait Islander histories, cultures and   students, 2,700 teachers and 600
                 and self-determination.         contributions throughout Australian     schools across six programs. These
                                                 schools to promote reconciliation.      included supporting remote Indigenous
                 Narragunnawali: Reconciliation                                          communities and schools to improve
                 in Education                    Narragunnawali is available to all schools   STEM education outcomes using a
                 Helping foster a higher level of   and early learning services in Australia   culturally appropriate ‘two-way science’
                 knowledge and pride in Aboriginal   via an online platform. Over 100,000   approach that brought the knowledge
                 and Torres Strait Islander histories,   registered users are now on the platform   of Indigenous staff and Elders to the
                 cultures and contributions.     with over 8,500 schools and early       forefront of planning and delivery of
                                                 learning services – equivalent to 32%   science in schools. It also included a
                 Right care, first time, where you live  of schools and early learning services –   program for high-achieving Aboriginal
                 Using the latest advances in systems   working towards developing their own   and Torres Strait Islander Year 10 students
                 modeling and simulation to give   Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). Schools,   to explore available STEM study and
                 communities the evidence they need   teachers and students are recognized
                 to allocate local resources and   for their commitment to reconciliation at   career options – 80% of the alumni from
                 funding in youth mental health care,                                    this program are still in STEM education
                 in a targeted way.              the biennial Narragunnawali Awards and   or career pathways.
                                                 in 2021 entries were received from every
                                                 state and territory in Australia.
                 Early Childhood Development
                 Field Catalyst                  Working alongside key authorities and
                 Enabling collaboration across the   stakeholders within the education sector,
                 early years sector to foster a sector-
                 wide approach to address the root   Reconciliation Australia’s Narragunnawali
                 cause and systemic barriers that   program is influencing curriculum
                 create and sustain disadvantage in   implementation and teaching practice
                 young children.                 and aims to mainstream whole-school
                                                 approaches to reconciliation across the
                 Science & Engineering Awards    Australian education system.
                 Encouraging STEM education by
                 recognizing student creativity and
                 innovation, and the critical role and
                 contribution of teachers.

                 Building Community Resilience
                 to Drought
                 Addressing the psychosocial
                 impacts of drought, supporting
                 Australian communities through
                 the current drought, and building
                 resilience to future droughts and                                                                              CSIRO Indigenous STEM Project,
                 other slow onset disasters.                                                                                    Newcastle, Australia
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