Page 27 - BHP Economic Contribution Report 2020
P. 27

Effective tax rate                                  What is your adjusted effective tax rate?            Our contribution
           What is your effective tax rate and how is it calculated?  We also report adjusted effective tax rates, which exclude the influence
                                                               of exchange rate movements and exceptional items, because we
           The effective tax rate is the amount of tax expense attributable    believe this gives a clearer view of our ongoing contribution and how
           to a year as a proportion of profit before tax.     it changes over time. Our global adjusted effective tax rate for FY2020
           Two measures of effective tax rate are commonly used:  was 33.2 per cent. It is reconciled to the statutory effective tax rate
           1.   Statutory effective tax rate – calculated as total taxation expense   shown below.
             divided by accounting profit.                                                     2020
           2.  Corporate effective tax rate – calculated as total income tax expense   Profit before   Income tax   Our approach
             divided by accounting profit. This excludes the impact of royalty-   taxation US$M  expense US$M  %
             related taxation (such as Petroleum Resource Rent Tax in Australia   Statutory effective tax rate  13,510  (4,774)  35.3
             and Specific Tax on Mining Activities in Chile).  Adjusted for:
           Outcomes for FY2020 for our key jurisdictions for these effective tax rate   Exchange rate movements  –  20
           measures are shown below. These rates do not include royalties, but do   Exceptional items  (1)  1,546  (241)
           include the impact of any profits and taxation expenses that are treated    Adjusted effective tax rate  15,056  (4,995)  33.2
           as ‘exceptional’ items for the purposes of our Financial Statements.
                                                               (1)  Refer to note 3 ‘Exceptional items’ in section 5 of the Annual Report 2020.
                                Corporate effective    Statutory effective
                                        tax rate      tax rate  Adjusted e ective tax rate and statutory e ective tax rate
           Global %                       34.8          35.3   50                                                   Our payments
           Australia %                     31.1         31.6                           47.5%
           Chile %                        43.9          46.8
           United States %  (1)           41.8          52.7   40           39.7%                36.7%
                                                                    35.8%                                35.3%
           (1)  The United States was in a net loss position which has a distortive impact on the   31.4%  36.0%
             effective tax rate.                                              34.0%                      33.2%


                                                               10                                                   Additional information

                                                                    FY2016   FY2017   FY2018   FY2019   FY2020
                                                                –  Adjusted ETR
                                                                –  Statutory ETR

                                                               The Group’s statutory effective tax rate for FY2016 presents as nil
                                                               because we recognised a total taxation benefit of US$1.1 billion
                                                               (including government imposed royalty-related taxation calculated
                                                               by reference to profits) and a loss before taxation for the period
                                                               of US$7.3 billion.
                                                               Why is your effective tax rate not the same as the corporate
                                                               tax rate?
                                                               The tax rate (from which the effective tax rate is derived) is different in
                                                               each country in which we operate. That tax rate applies to the taxable
                                                               profits derived in that country and any deductions, allowances, incentives
                                                               or other adjustments unique to that country. As a result, our global
                                                               effective tax rate will not be the same as the corporate tax rate in any
                                                               particular country.

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