Page 28 - BHP Economic Contribution Report 2020
P. 28

Basis of Report preparation

          The Report is prepared from data recorded in our financial systems,   Fees
          being the same data and financial systems used to prepare our    Payments to governments in the form of fees typically levied on the
          Financial Statements. In preparing the Report, we have followed    initial or ongoing right to use a geographical area for exploration,
          the draft guidance material produced by the Australian Accounting   development and/or production. This includes licence fees, rental
          Standards Board.                                   fees, entry fees and other payments for licences and/or concessions.
          The ‘Total payments as defined by the UK Regulations’ included    Payments for infrastructure improvements
          in pages 18 to 23 have been prepared in accordance with the Reports
          on Payments to Governments Regulations 2014, as amended by the   Payments to governments for the construction of public infrastructure,
          Reports on Payments to Governments (Amendment) Regulations 2015   such as roads, bridges and port facilities.
          and the UK Regulations implement the EU Accounting Directive   Dividend payments
          (Chapter 10, Directive 2013/34/EU) (the ‘UK Regulations’).  Payments to governments with ownership interests in specific assets;
          Taxes, royalties and other payments to governments are presented    not payments to governments as holders of ordinary shares in BHP.
          in this Report on a cash paid and cash received basis for the year    There were no dividend payments to governments for the year ended
          ended 30 June 2020.                                30 June 2020.
          For our controlled assets, amounts included in our total payments to
          governments are 100 per cent of the assets’ payments to governments.   Signature, discovery or production bonuses
          For our non-operated and operated joint ventures, amounts included in   Payments to governments upon signing an oil and gas lease,
          our payments to governments are 100 per cent of the amounts paid by   when discovering natural resources, and/or when production
          BHP and, in the case of BHP Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA), 50 per cent of   has commenced.
          payments made by the operating entity for BMA in which BHP has a 50
          per cent ownership. For our investments in joint ventures and associates   Other payments
          that are equity accounted by BHP, no amounts have been included in   Payments to governments under other legislated tax rules, such as
          our total payments to governments as BHP is not the operator and does   payroll tax, fringe benefits tax, excise duties, property tax, land tax
          not make payments on behalf of the operation. For information   and black lung tax. These payments are not specifically required
          purposes, 100 per cent of the payments made by our significant equity   to be disclosed by the UK Regulations.
          accounted investments have been shown on page 4 even though no   Excluded amounts
          amounts have been included in our total payments to governments.  The following are not included in total payments to governments:
          Taxes, royalties and other payments, both cash and in-kind (non-cash),   Taxes collected
          to governments, net of refunds, are collectively referred to in this    Tax payments made to governments on behalf of our employees.
          Report as ‘total payments to governments’ and include the following
          payment categories:                                Indirect taxes
                                                             Tax payments made to or received from governments in the nature
          Corporate income taxes                             of sales tax, value added tax and goods and services tax.
          Payments to governments based on taxable profits under legislated   Penalties and interest
          income tax rules. This also includes payments made to revenue   Payments to governments resulting from the imposition of penalties,
          authorities in respect of disputed claims and withholding taxes.    fees or interest.
          For the purposes of allocating corporate income taxes to particular   Other
          countries in the Payments made by country and level of government   Certain payments, whether made as a single payment or as a series
          section of this Report, withholding taxes are allocated to the country to   of related payments below US$100,000 (being a lower amount than
          which the withholding taxes are remitted – for example, Chilean   the £86,000 threshold set out in the UK Regulations).
          withholding taxes paid to the Chilean Government are allocated to Chile.
          Royalty-related income taxes                       Projects
                                                             Payments made on a project-by-project basis (refer to Payments made
          Payments to governments in relation to profits from the extraction    on a project-by-project basis section of this Report) present payments
          of natural resources, including Petroleum Resource Rent Tax (PRRT)    by entity when not specifically attributable to a project.
          in Australia and Specific Tax on Mining Activities (STMA) in Chile. This
          also includes payments to revenue authorities in respect of disputed   Payments in relation to Corporate Head Office and the Commercial
          claims. Royalty-related income taxes are presented as income tax in   function have been included in the total payments to governments
          section 5.1.1 Consolidated Income Statement in the Annual    as defined by the UK Regulations. The payments are not attributable
          Report 2020.                                       to specific projects. ‘Corporate Head Office’ and ‘Commercial’
                                                             comprise functional support for the Group that in FY2020 consists
          Taxes levied on production                         entirely of projects that undertake relevant activities as defined
          Payments to governments in relation to crude excise, carbon tax and   by the UK Regulations.
          severance tax on the extraction of natural resources. Taxes levied on   The Payments made on a project-by-project basis section presents
          production are presented as expenses, not income tax, in section 5.1.1   corporate income tax amounts for each project/entity taking into
          Consolidated Income Statement in the Annual Report 2020.  account the effects of tax consolidation in Australia. These include
                                                             the following:
          Payments to governments in relation to revenue or production   •  losses from one entity can be offset against taxable income
          generated under licence agreements. This also includes payments    of another entity within the same tax consolidated group
          to revenue authorities in respect of disputed claims. Royalties are   •  only the head entity of a tax consolidated group is liable to make
          presented as expenses, not income tax, in section 5.1.1 Consolidated   corporate income tax payments to the Australian Tax Office (ATO)
          Income Statement in the Annual Report 2020. Royalty-related income   •  typically, corporate tax groups allocate the aggregate corporate
          taxes are excluded from Royalties.                   income tax payments made by the head entity to the ATO among
          Production entitlements                              entities within the Australian tax consolidated group
          Payments to governments entitled to a share of production under   Reporting currency
          production sharing agreements. Production entitlements are most    All payments to governments on pages 18 to 23 have been reported
          often paid in-kind. In-kind payments are measured based on the market   in US dollars. Payments denominated in currencies other than US
          value of the commodity on the date of delivery to the government.  dollars are translated for this Report at the exchange rate at the date
                                                             of the payment.

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