Page 5 - Annual Report 2020
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Section 1

           Strategic Report

           About this Strategic Report                                 In this section
           The FY2020 Strategic Report provides insight into BHP’s strategy,
           operating and business model, and objectives. It describes the   1.1    Chair's Review
           principal risks BHP faces and how these risks might affect our   1.2   Chief Executive Officer’s Report
                                                                       1.3   BHP at a glance: FY2020
           future prospects. It also gives our perspective on our recent   1.4   Performance
           operational, financial and non-financial performance.           1.4.1   Our strategy
           BHP performed strongly in FY2020 with zero fatalities and        1.4.2   Social value
                                                                           1.4.3   Stakeholder engagement
           record production performance in a number of operations.        1.4.4   Our Operating Model
           A summary of our performance covering financial, operational        1.4.5   Managing performance
                                                                           1.4.6  COVID-19: Our global response
           and social value is set out in section 1.3. We also set out why      1.4.7   Our performance: Financial KPIs
           what we do is integral to modern life in sections 1.4 and 1.5.     1.4.8   Our performance: Non-financial KPIs
                                                                           1.4.9   Our contribution in FY2020
           This year, we have further integrated our sustainability      1.5 Our operating environment
           reporting into the Annual Report to help stakeholders           1.5.1   Market factors and trends
           understand the most material topics, for example climate        1.5.2   Commodity performance overview
           change (section 1.7.8), tailings dams (section 1.7.10), Indigenous      1.5.3   Exploration
                                                                           1.5.4   Risk management
           peoples (section 1.7.9) and Samarco (section 1.8). Non-operated     1.6 Capability and culture
           joint ventures and their performance are covered in section      1.6.1   Our people
           1.9.3 (Cerrejón and Antamina).                                  1.6.2   Employees and contractors
                                                                           1.6.3   Technology
           More information is also available at This includes     1.7 Sustainability
           case studies, our new Climate Change Report 2020, and our       1.7.1    Sustainability guided by our purpose
           Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) databook, which      1.7.2   Our approach
           provides sustainability performance data and is targeted at      1.7.3   Safety
           both investors and ESG data providers.                            1.7.4   Health
                                                                           1.7.5   Ethics and business conduct
           Finally, the Strategic Report is intended to assist shareholders      1.7.6   Environment
           and other stakeholders to understand and interpret the          1.7.7   Value chain sustainability
           Consolidated Financial Statements prepared in accordance         1.7.8   Climate change
                                                                           1.7.9   Community
           with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)      1.7.10   Tailings storage facilities
           included in this Annual Report. Shareholders may obtain a hard      1.7.11  Independent limited assurance report
           copy of the Annual Report free of charge by contacting our   1.8 Samarco
           Share Registrars, whose details are set out in our Corporate   1.9 Portfolio: Our business

                                                                           1.9.1   Locations
           directory at the end of this Annual Report.                     1.9.2   Minerals Australia
                                                                           1.9.3   Minerals Americas
                                                                           1.9.4   Petroleum
                                                                           1.9.5   Commercial
                                                                       1.10 Summary of financial performance
                                                                           1.10.1   Group overview
                                                                           1.10.2   Financial results
                                                                           1.10.3   Debt and sources of liquidity
                                                                           1.10.4   Alternative Performance Measures
                                                                       1.11 Performance by commodity
                                                                           1.11.1   Petroleum
                                                                           1.11.2   Copper
                                                                           1.11.3   Iron Ore
                                                                           1.11.4   Coal
                                                                           1.11.5  Other assets
                                                                       1.12 Other information

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